Software Architecture in Practice
in Practice
Second Edition Page i Thursday, March 20, 2003 7:21 PM
Third Edition
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The SEI Series in
Software Engineering
in Practice
Third Edition
Len Bass
Paul Clements
Rick Kazman
▼ Addison-Wesley
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The SEI Series in Software Engineering
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Bass, Len.
Software architecture in practice / Len Bass, Paul Clements, Rick Kazman.—3rd ed.
p. cm.—(SEI series in software engineering)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-321-81573-6 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Software architecture. 2. System
design. I. Clements, Paul, 1955– II. Kazman, Rick. III. Title.
QA76.754.B37 2012
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OCTAVE; Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation; Options Analysis for Reengineering; Personal Software
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Chrissis_Title 2/3/11 12:32 PM Page iv
Preface xv
Reader’s Guide xvii
Acknowledgments xix
Part ONE Introduction 1
CHAPTER 1 What Is Software Architecture? 3
1.1 What Software Architecture Is and What It
Isn’t 4
1.2 Architectural Structures and Views 9
1.3 Architectural Patterns 18
1.4 What Makes a “Good” Architecture? 19
1.5 Summary 21
1.6 For Further Reading 22
1.7 Discussion Questions 23
CHAPTER 2 Why Is Software Architecture Important? 25
2.1 Inhibiting or Enabling a System’s Quality
Attributes 26
2.2 Reasoning About and Managing
Change 27
2.3 Predicting System Qualities 28
2.4 Enhancing Communication among
Stakeholders 29
2.5 Carrying Early Design Decisions 31
2.6 Defining Constraints on an
Implementation 32
2.7 Influencing the Organizational Structure 33
2.8 Enabling Evolutionary Prototyping 33
vi Contents
2.9 Improving Cost and Schedule Estimates 34
2.10 Supplying a Transferable, Reusable
Model 35
2.11 Allowing Incorporation of Independently
Developed Components 35
2.12 Restricting the Vocabulary of Design
Alternatives 36
2.13 Providing a Basis for Training 37
2.14 Summary 37
2.15 For Further Reading 38
2.16 Discussion Questions 38
CHAPTER 3 The Many Contexts of Software
Architecture 39
3.1 Architecture in a Technical Context 40
3.2 Architecture in a Project Life-Cycle
Context 44
3.3 Architecture in a Business Context 49
3.4 Architecture in a Professional Context 51
3.5 Stakeholders 52
3.6 How Is Architecture Influenced? 56
3.7 What Do Architectures Influence? 57
3.8 Summary 59
3.9 For Further Reading 59
3.10 Discussion Questions 60
Part TWO Quality Attributes 61
CHAPTER 4 Understanding Quality Attributes 63
4.1 Architecture and Requirements 64
4.2 Functionality 65
4.3 Quality Attribute Considerations 65
4.4 Specifying Quality Attribute
Requirements 68
4.5 Achieving Quality Attributes through
Tactics 70
4.6 Guiding Quality Design Decisions 72
4.7 Summary 76
Contents vii
4.8 For Further Reading 77
4.9 Discussion Questions 77
CHAPTER 5 Availability 79
5.1 Availability General Scenario 85
5.2 Tactics for Availability 87
5.3 A Design Checklist for Availability 96
5.4 Summary 98
5.5 For Further Reading 99
5.6 Discussion Questions 100
CHAPTER 6 Interoperability 103
6.1 Interoperability General Scenario 107
6.2 Tactics for Interoperability 110
6.3 A Design Checklist for Interoperability 114
6.4 Summary 115
6.5 For Further Reading 116
6.6 Discussion Questions 116
CHAPTER 7 Modifiability 117
7.1 Modifiability General Scenario 119
7.2 Tactics for Modifiability 121
7.3 A Design Checklist for Modifiability 125
7.4 Summary 128
7.5 For Further Reading 128
7.6 Discussion Questions 128
CHAPTER 8 Performance 131
8.1 Performance General Scenario 132
8.2 Tactics for Performance 135
8.3 A Design Checklist for Performance 142
8.4 Summary 145
8.5 For Further Reading 145
8.6 Discussion Questions 145
CHAPTER 9 Security 147
9.1 Security General Scenario 148
9.2 Tactics for Security 150
viii Contents
9.3 A Design Checklist for Security 154
9.4 Summary 156
9.5 For Further Reading 157
9.6 Discussion Questions 158
CHAPTER 10 Testability 159
10.1 Testability General Scenario 162
10.2 Tactics for Testability 164
10.3 A Design Checklist for Testability 169
10.4 Summary 172
10.5 For Further Reading 172
10.6 Discussion Questions 173
CHAPTER 11 Usability 175
11.1 Usability General Scenario 176
11.2 Tactics for Usability 177
11.3 A Design Checklist for Usability 181
11.4 Summary 183
11.5 For Further Reading 183
11.6 Discussion Questions 183
CHAPTER 12 Other Quality Attributes 185
12.1 Other Important Quality Attributes 185
12.2 Other Categories of Quality Attributes 189
12.3 Software Quality Attributes and System
Quality Attributes 190
12.4 Using Standard Lists of Quality Attributes—
or Not 193
12.5 Dealing with “X-ability”: Bringing a New
Quality Attribute into the Fold 196
12.6 For Further Reading 200
12.7 Discussion Questions 201
CHAPTER 13 Architectural Tactics and Patterns 203
13.1 Architectural Patterns 204
13.2 Overview of the Patterns Catalog 205
13.3 Relationships between Tactics and
Patterns 238
Contents ix
13.4 Using Tactics Together 242
13.5 Summary 247
13.6 For Further Reading 248
13.7 Discussion Questions 249
CHAPTER 14 Quality Attribute Modeling and Analysis 251
14.1 Modeling Architectures to Enable Quality
Attribute Analysis 252
14.2 Quality Attribute Checklists 260
14.3 Thought Experiments and
Back-of-the-Envelope Analysis 262
14.4 Experiments, Simulations, and
Prototypes 264
14.5 Analysis at Different Stages of the Life
Cycle 265
14.6 Summary 266
14.7 For Further Reading 267
14.8 Discussion Questions 269
Part THREE Architecture in the Life
Cycle 271
CHAPTER 15 Architecture in Agile Projects 275
15.1 How Much Architecture? 277
15.2 Agility and Architecture Methods 281
15.3 A Brief Example of Agile Architecting 283
15.4 Guidelines for the Agile Architect 286
15.5 Summary 287
15.6 For Further Reading 288
15.7 Discussion Questions 289
CHAPTER 16 Architecture and Requirements 291
16.1 Gathering ASRs from Requirements
Documents 292
16.2 Gathering ASRs by Interviewing
Stakeholders 294
16.3 Gathering ASRs by Understanding the
Business Goals 296
x Contents
16.4 Capturing ASRs in a Utility Tree 304
16.5 Tying the Methods Together 308
16.6 Summary 308
16.7 For Further Reading 309
16.8 Discussion Questions 309
CHAPTER 17 Designing an Architecture 311
17.1 Design Strategy 311
17.2 The Attribute-Driven Design Method 316
17.3 The Steps of ADD 318
17.4 Summary 325
17.5 For Further Reading 325
17.6 Discussion Questions 326
CHAPTER 18 Documenting Software Architectures 327
18.1 Uses and Audiences for Architecture
Documentation 328
18.2 Notations for Architecture
Documentation 329
18.3 Views 331
18.4 Choosing the Views 341
18.5 Combining Views 343
18.6 Building the Documentation Package 345
18.7 Documenting Behavior 351
18.8 Architecture Documentation and Quality
Attributes 354
18.9 Documenting Architectures That Change
Faster Than You Can Document Them 355
18.10 Documenting Architecture in an Agile
Development Project 356
18.11 Summary 359
18.12 For Further Reading 360
18.13 Discussion Questions 360
CHAPTER 19 Architecture, Implementation, and
Testing 363
19.1 Architecture and Implementation 363
19.2 Architecture and Testing 370
Contents xi
19.3 Summary 376
19.4 For Further Reading 376
19.5 Discussion Questions 377
CHAPTER 20 Architecture Reconstruction and
Conformance 379
20.1 Architecture Reconstruction Process 381
20.2 Raw View Extraction 382
20.3 Database Construction 386
20.4 View Fusion 388
20.5 Architecture Analysis: Finding
Violations 389
20.6 Guidelines 392
20.7 Summary 393
20.8 For Further Reading 394
20.9 Discussion Questions 395
CHAPTER 21 Architecture Evaluation 397
21.1 Evaluation Factors 397
21.2 The Architecture Tradeoff Analysis
Method 400
21.3 Lightweight Architecture Evaluation 415
21.4 Summary 417
21.5 For Further Reading 417
21.6 Discussion Questions 418
CHAPTER 22 Management and Governance 419
22.1 Planning 420
22.2 Organizing 422
22.3 Implementing 427
22.4 Measuring 429
22.5 Governance 430
22.6 Summary 432
22.7 For Further Reading 432
22.8 Discussion Questions 433
xii Contents
Part FOUR Architecture and
Business 435
CHAPTER 23 Economic Analysis of Architectures 437
23.1 Decision-Making Context 438
23.2 The Basis for the Economic Analyses 439
23.3 Putting Theory into Practice:
The CBAM 442
23.4 Case Study: The NASA ECS Project 450
23.5 Summary 457
23.6 For Further Reading 458
23.7 Discussion Questions 458
CHAPTER 24 Architecture Competence 459
24.1 Competence of Individuals: Duties, Skills, and
Knowledge of Architects 460
24.2 Competence of a Software Architecture
Organization 467
24.3 Summary 475
24.4 For Further Reading 475
24.5 Discussion Questions 477
CHAPTER 25 Architecture and Software Product Lines 479
25.1 An Example of Product Line
Variability 482
25.2 What Makes a Software Product Line
Work? 483
25.3 Product Line Scope 486
25.4 The Quality Attribute of Variability 488
25.5 The Role of a Product Line
Architecture 488
25.6 Variation Mechanisms 490
25.7 Evaluating a Product Line
Architecture 493
25.8 Key Software Product Line Issues 494
25.9 Summary 497
25.10 For Further Reading 498
25.11 Discussion Questions 498
Contents xiii
Part FIVE The Brave New World 501
CHAPTER 26 Architecture in the Cloud 503
26.1 Basic Cloud Definitions 504
26.2 Service Models and Deployment
Options 505
26.3 Economic Justification 506
26.4 Base Mechanisms 509
26.5 Sample Technologies 514
26.6 Architecting in a Cloud Environment 520
26.7 Summary 524
26.8 For Further Reading 524
26.9 Discussion Questions 525
CHAPTER 27 Architectures for the Edge 527
27.1 The Ecosystem of Edge-Dominant
Systems 528
27.2 Changes to the Software Development Life
Cycle 530
27.3 Implications for Architecture 531
27.4 Implications of the Metropolis Model 533
27.5 Summary 537
27.6 For Further Reading 538
27.7 Discussion Questions 538
CHAPTER 28 Epilogue 541
References 547
About the Authors 561
Index 563
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I should have no objection to go over the same
life from its beginning to the end: requesting only
the advantage authors have, of correcting in a
[third] edition the faults of the first [two].
— Benjamin Franklin
It has been a decade since the publication of the second edition of this book.
During that time, the field of software architecture has broadened its focus
from being primarily internally oriented—How does one design, evaluate,
and document software?—to including external impacts as well—a deeper
understanding of the influences on architectures and a deeper understanding of
the impact architectures have on the life cycle, organizations, and management.
The past ten years have also seen dramatic changes in the types of systems
being constructed. Large data, social media, and the cloud are all areas that, at
most, were embryonic ten years ago and now are not only mature but extremely
We listened to some of the criticisms of the previous editions and have
included much more material on patterns, reorganized the material on quality
attributes, and made interoperability a quality attribute worthy of its own chapter.
We also provide guidance about how you can generate scenarios and tactics for
your own favorite quality attributes.
To accommodate this plethora of new material, we had to make difficult
choices. In particular, this edition of the book does not include extended
case studies as the prior editions did. This decision also reflects the maturing
of the field, in the sense that case studies about the choices made in software
architectures are more prevalent than they were ten years ago, and they are less
necessary to convince readers of the importance of software architecture. The
case studies from the first two editions are available, however, on the book’s
website, at In addition, on the same
website, we have slides that will assist instructors in presenting this material.
We have thoroughly reworked many of the topics covered in this edition.
In particular, we realize that the methods we present—for architecture design,
analysis, and documentation—are one version of how to achieve a particular
goal, but there are others. This led us to separate the methods that we present
xvi Preface
in detail from their underlying theory. We now present the theory first with
specific methods given as illustrations of possible realizations of the theories.
The new topics in this edition include architecture-centric project management;
architecture competence; requirements modeling and analysis; Agile methods;
implementation and testing; the cloud; and the edge.
As with the prior editions, we firmly believe that the topics are best discussed
in either reading groups or in classroom settings, and to that end we have included
a collection of discussion questions at the end of each chapter. Most of these
questions are open-ended, with no absolute right or wrong answers, so you, as a
reader, should emphasize how you justify your answer rather than just answer the
question itself.
Reader’s Guide
We have structured this book into five distinct portions. Part One introduces
architecture and the various contextual lenses through which it could be viewed.
These are the following:
■ Technical. What technical role does the software architecture play in the
system or systems of which it’s a part?
■ Project. How does a software architecture relate to the other phases of a
software development life cycle?
■ Business. How does the presence of a software architecture affect an
organization’s business environment?
■ Professional. What is the role of a software architect in an organization or a
development project?
Part Two is focused on technical background. Part Two describes how
decisions are made. Decisions are based on the desired quality attributes for a
system, and Chapters 5–11 describe seven different quality attributes and the
techniques used to achieve them. The seven are availability, interoperability,
maintainability, performance, security, testability, and usability. Chapter 12
tells you how to add other quality attributes to our seven, Chapter 13 discusses
patterns and tactics, and Chapter 14 discusses the various types of modeling and
analysis that are possible.
Part Three is devoted to how a software architecture is related to the other
portions of the life cycle. Of special note is how architecture can be used in Agile
projects. We discuss individually other aspects of the life cycle: requirements,
design, implementation and testing, recovery and conformance, and evaluation.
Part Four deals with the business of architecting from an economic
perspective, from an organizational perspective, and from the perspective of
constructing a series of similar systems.
Part Five discusses several important emerging technologies and how
architecture relates to these technologies.
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We had a fantastic collection of reviewers for this edition, and their assistance
helped make this a better book. Our reviewers were Muhammad Ali Babar, Felix
Bachmann, Joe Batman, Phil Bianco, Jeromy Carriere, Roger Champagne, Steve
Chenoweth, Viktor Clerc, Andres Diaz Pace, George Fairbanks, Rik Farenhorst,
Ian Gorton, Greg Hartman, Rich Hilliard, James Ivers, John Klein, Philippe
Kruchten, Phil Laplante, George Leih, Grace Lewis, John McGregor, Tommi
Mikkonen, Linda Northrop, Ipek Ozkaya, Eltjo Poort, Eelco Rommes, Nick
Rozanski, Jungwoo Ryoo, James Scott, Antony Tang, Arjen Uittenbogaard, Hans
van Vliet, Hiroshi Wada, Rob Wojcik, Eoin Woods, and Liming Zhu.
In addition, we had significant contributions from Liming Zhu, HongMei
Chen, Jungwoo Ryoo, Phil Laplante, James Scott, Grace Lewis, and Nick
Rozanski that helped give the book a richer flavor than one written by just the
three of us.
The issue of build efficiency in Chapter 12 came from Rolf Siegers and John
McDonald of Raytheon. John Klein and Eltjo Poort contributed the “abstract
system clock” and “sandbox mode” tactics, respectively, for testability. The list
of stakeholders in Chapter 3 is from Documenting Software Architectures: Views
and Beyond, Second Edition. Some of the material in Chapter 28 was inspired by a
talk given by Anthony Lattanze called “Organizational Design Thinking” in 2011.
Joe Batman was instrumental in the creation of the seven categories of design
decisions we describe in Chapter 4. In addition, the descriptions of the security
view, communications view, and exception view in Chapter 18 are based on material
that Joe wrote while planning the documentation for a real system’s architecture.
Much of the new material on modifiability tactics was based on the work of Felix
Bachmann and Rod Nord. James Ivers helped us with the security tactics.
Both Paul Clements and Len Bass have taken new positions since the
last edition was published, and we thank their new respective managements
(BigLever Software for Paul and NICTA for Len) for their willingness to support
our work on this edition. We would also like to thank our (former) colleagues at
the Software Engineering Institute for multiple contributions to the evolution of
the ideas expressed in this edition.
Finally, as always, we thank our editor at Addison-Wesley, Peter Gordon,
for providing guidance and support during the writing and production processes.
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The Architecture
Business Cycle
Simply stated, competitive success flows to the company
that manages to establish proprietary architectural control
over a broad, fast-moving, competitive space.
— C. Morris and C. Ferguson [Morris 93]
For decades, software designers have been taught to build systems based exclusively
on the technical requirements. Conceptually, the requirements document is
tossed over the wall into the designer’s cubicle, and the designer must come forth
with a satisfactory design. Requirements beget design, which begets system. Of
course, modern software development methods recognize the naïveté of this
model and provide all sorts of feedback loops from designer to analyst. But they
still make the implicit assumption that design is a product of the system’s technical
requirements, period.
Architecture has emerged as a crucial part of the design process and is the
subject of this book. Software architecture encompasses the structures of large
software systems. The architectural view of a system is abstract, distilling away
details of implementation, algorithm, and data representation and concentrating
on the behavior and interaction of “black box” elements. A software architecture
is developed as the first step toward designing a system that has a collection of
desired properties. We will discuss software architecture in detail in Chapter 2.
For now we provide, without comment, the following definition:
The software architecture of a program or computing system is the structure
or structures of the system, which comprise software elements, the externally
visible properties of those elements, and the relationships among them.
Chapter 2 will provide our working definitions and distinguish between architecture
and other forms of design. For reasons we will see throughout, architecture
serves as an important communication, reasoning, analysis, and growth tool for
systems. Until now, however, architectural design has been discussed in the Page 3 Thursday, March 20, 2003 7:21 PM
Understanding Quality
Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In
that space is our power to choose our response. In
our response lies our growth and our freedom.
— Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning
As we have seen in the Architecture Influence Cycle (in Chapter 3), many factors
determine the qualities that must be provided for in a system’s architecture.
These qualities go beyond functionality, which is the basic statement of the system’s
capabilities, services, and behavior. Although functionality and other qualities
are closely related, as you will see, functionality often takes the front seat in
the development scheme. This preference is shortsighted, however. Systems are
frequently redesigned not because they are functionally deficient—the replacements
are often functionally identical—but because they are difficult to maintain,
port, or scale; or they are too slow; or they have been compromised by hackers.
In Chapter 2, we said that architecture was the first place in software creation in
which quality requirements could be addressed. It is the mapping of a system’s
functionality onto software structures that determines the architecture’s support
for qualities. In Chapters 5–11 we discuss how various qualities are supported by
architectural design decisions. In Chapter 17 we show how to integrate all of the
quality attribute decisions into a single design.
We have been using the term “quality attribute” loosely, but now it is time to
define it more carefully. A quality attribute (QA) is a measurable or testable property
of a system that is used to indicate how well the system satisfies the needs of
its stakeholders. You can think of a quality attribute as measuring the “goodness”
of a product along some dimension of interest to a stakeholder.
In this chapter our focus is on understanding the following:
■ How to express the qualities we want our architecture to provide to the system
or systems we are building from it
The Architecture
Business Cycle
Simply stated, competitive success flows to the company
that manages to establish proprietary architectural control
over a broad, fast-moving, competitive space.
— C. Morris and C. Ferguson [Morris 93]
For decades, software designers have been taught to build systems based exclusively
on the technical requirements. Conceptually, the requirements document is
tossed over the wall into the designer’s cubicle, and the designer must come forth
with a satisfactory design. Requirements beget design, which begets system. Of
course, modern software development methods recognize the naïveté of this
model and provide all sorts of feedback loops from designer to analyst. But they
still make the implicit assumption that design is a product of the system’s technical
requirements, period.
Architecture has emerged as a crucial part of the design process and is the
subject of this book. Software architecture encompasses the structures of large
software systems. The architectural view of a system is abstract, distilling away
details of implementation, algorithm, and data representation and concentrating
on the behavior and interaction of “black box” elements. A software architecture
is developed as the first step toward designing a system that has a collection of
desired properties. We will discuss software architecture in detail in Chapter 2.
For now we provide, without comment, the following definition:
The software architecture of a program or computing system is the structure
or structures of the system, which comprise software elements, the externally
visible properties of those elements, and the relationships among them.
Chapter 2 will provide our working definitions and distinguish between architecture
and other forms of design. For reasons we will see throughout, architecture
serves as an important communication, reasoning, analysis, and growth tool for
systems. Until now, however, architectural design has been discussed in the Page 3 Thursday, March 20, 2003 7:21 PM
64 Part Two Quality Attributes 4—Understanding Quality Attributes
■ How to achieve those qualities
■ How to determine the design decisions we might make with respect to those
This chapter provides the context for the discussion of specific quality attributes
in Chapters 5–11.
4.1 Architecture and Requirements
Requirements for a system come in a variety of forms: textual requirements,
mockups, existing systems, use cases, user stories, and more. Chapter 16 discusses
the concept of an architecturally significant requirement, the role such requirements
play in architecture, and how to identify them. No matter the source,
all requirements encompass the following categories:
1. Functional requirements. These requirements state what the system must
do, and how it must behave or react to runtime stimuli.
2. Quality attribute requirements. These requirements are qualifications of
the functional requirements or of the overall product. A qualification of a
functional requirement is an item such as how fast the function must be
performed, or how resilient it must be to erroneous input. A qualification
of the overall product is an item such as the time to deploy the product or a
limitation on operational costs.
3. Constraints. A constraint is a design decision with zero degrees of freedom.
That is, it’s a design decision that’s already been made. Examples include
the requirement to use a certain programming language or to reuse a certain
existing module, or a management fiat to make your system service oriented.
These choices are arguably in the purview of the architect, but external
factors (such as not being able to train the staff in a new language, or
having a business agreement with a software supplier, or pushing business
goals of service interoperability) have led those in power to dictate these
design outcomes.
What is the “response” of architecture to each of these kinds of requirements?
1. Functional requirements are satisfied by assigning an appropriate sequence
of responsibilities throughout the design. As we will see later in this chapter,
assigning responsibilities to architectural elements is a fundamental
architectural design decision.
2. Quality attribute requirements are satisfied by the various structures designed
into the architecture, and the behaviors and interactions of the elements
that populate those structures. Chapter 17 will show this approach in
more detail.
4.3 Quality Attribute Considerations 65
3. Constraints are satisfied by accepting the design decision and reconciling it
with other affected design decisions.
4.2 Functionality
Functionality is the ability of the system to do the work for which it was intended.
Of all of the requirements, functionality has the strangest relationship to
First of all, functionality does not determine architecture. That is, given a
set of required functionality, there is no end to the architectures you could create
to satisfy that functionality. At the very least, you could divide up the functionality
in any number of ways and assign the subpieces to different architectural
In fact, if functionality were the only thing that mattered, you wouldn’t have
to divide the system into pieces at all; a single monolithic blob with no internal
structure would do just fine. Instead, we design our systems as structured sets
of cooperating architectural elements—modules, layers, classes, services, databases,
apps, threads, peers, tiers, and on and on—to make them understandable
and to support a variety of other purposes. Those “other purposes” are the other
quality attributes that we’ll turn our attention to in the remaining sections of this
chapter, and the remaining chapters of Part II.
But although functionality is independent of any particular structure, functionality
is achieved by assigning responsibilities to architectural elements, resulting
in one of the most basic of architectural structures.
Although responsibilities can be allocated arbitrarily to any modules, software
architecture constrains this allocation when other quality attributes are important.
For example, systems are frequently divided so that several people can
cooperatively build them. The architect’s interest in functionality is in how it interacts
with and constrains other qualities.
4.3 Quality Attribute Considerations
Just as a system’s functions do not stand on their own without due consideration of
other quality attributes, neither do quality attributes stand on their own; they pertain
to the functions of the system. If a functional requirement is “When the user presses
the green button, the Options dialog appears,” a performance QA annotation might
describe how quickly the dialog will appear; an availability QA annotation might
describe how often this function will fail, and how quickly it will be repaired; a usability
QA annotation might describe how easy it is to learn this function.
66 Part Two Quality Attributes 4—Understanding Quality Attributes
Functional Requirements
After more than 15 years of writing and discussing the distinction between
functional requirements and quality requirements, the definition of functional
requirements still eludes me. Quality attribute requirements are well
defined: performance has to do with the timing behavior of the system,
modifiability has to do with the ability of the system to support changes in
its behavior or other qualities after initial deployment, availability has to do
with the ability of the system to survive failures, and so forth.
Function, however, is much more slippery. An international standard
(ISO 25010) defines functional suitability as “the capability of the software
product to provide functions which meet stated and implied needs when
the software is used under specified conditions.” That is, functionality is the
ability to provide functions. One interpretation of this definition is that functionality
describes what the system does and quality describes how well
the system does its function. That is, qualities are attributes of the system
and function is the purpose of the system.
This distinction breaks down, however, when you consider the nature
of some of the “function.” If the function of the software is to control engine
behavior, how can the function be correctly implemented without considering
timing behavior? Is the ability to control access through requiring a
user name/password combination not a function even though it is not the
purpose of any system?
I like much better the use of the word “responsibility” to describe computations
that a system must perform. Questions such as “What are the
timing constraints on that set of responsibilities?”, “What modifications are
anticipated with respect to that set of responsibilities?”, and “What class of
users is allowed to execute that set of responsibilities?” make sense and
are actionable.
The achievement of qualities induces responsibility; think of the user
name/password example just mentioned. Further, one can identify responsibilities
as being associated with a particular set of requirements.
So does this mean that the term “functional requirement” shouldn’t be
used? People have an understanding of the term, but when precision is
desired, we should talk about sets of specific responsibilities instead.
Paul Clements has long ranted against the careless use of the term
“nonfunctional,” and now it’s my turn to rant against the careless use of the
term “functional”—probably equally ineffectually.
Quality attributes have been of interest to the software community at least
since the 1970s. There are a variety of published taxonomies and definitions, and
many of them have their own research and practitioner communities. From an
4.3 Quality Attribute Considerations 67
architect’s perspective, there are three problems with previous discussions of system
quality attributes:
1. The definitions provided for an attribute are not testable. It is meaningless
to say that a system will be “modifiable.” Every system may be modifiable
with respect to one set of changes and not modifiable with respect to another.
The other quality attributes are similar in this regard: a system may
be robust with respect to some faults and brittle with respect to others. And
so forth.
2. Discussion often focuses on which quality a particular concern belongs to.
Is a system failure due to a denial-of-service attack an aspect of availability,
an aspect of performance, an aspect of security, or an aspect of usability?
All four attribute communities would claim ownership of a system failure
due to a denial-of-service attack. All are, to some extent, correct. But this
doesn’t help us, as architects, understand and create architectural solutions
to manage the attributes of concern.
3. Each attribute community has developed its own vocabulary. The performance
community has “events” arriving at a system, the security community
has “attacks” arriving at a system, the availability community has
“failures” of a system, and the usability community has “user input.” All
of these may actually refer to the same occurrence, but they are described
using different terms.
A solution to the first two of these problems (untestable definitions and
overlapping concerns) is to use quality attribute scenarios as a means of characterizing
quality attributes (see the next section). A solution to the third problem
is to provide a discussion of each attribute—concentrating on its underlying concerns—to
illustrate the concepts that are fundamental to that attribute community.
There are two categories of quality attributes on which we focus. The first is
those that describe some property of the system at runtime, such as availability,
performance, or usability. The second is those that describe some property of the
development of the system, such as modifiability or testability.
Within complex systems, quality attributes can never be achieved in isolation.
The achievement of any one will have an effect, sometimes positive and
sometimes negative, on the achievement of others. For example, almost every
quality attribute negatively affects performance. Take portability. The main technique
for achieving portable software is to isolate system dependencies, which
introduces overhead into the system’s execution, typically as process or procedure
boundaries, and this hurts performance. Determining the design that satisfies
all of the quality attribute requirements is partially a matter of making the
appropriate tradeoffs; we discuss design in Chapter 17. Our purpose here is to
provide the context for discussing each quality attribute. In particular, we focus
on how quality attributes can be specified, what architectural decisions will enable
the achievement of particular quality attributes, and what questions about
quality attributes will enable the architect to make the correct design decisions.
68 Part Two Quality Attributes 4—Understanding Quality Attributes
4.4 Specifying Quality Attribute Requirements
A quality attribute requirement should be unambiguous and testable. We use a
common form to specify all quality attribute requirements. This has the advantage
of emphasizing the commonalities among all quality attributes. It has the disadvantage
of occasionally being a force-fit for some aspects of quality attributes.
Our common form for quality attribute expression has these parts:
■ Stimulus. We use the term “stimulus” to describe an event arriving at the
system. The stimulus can be an event to the performance community, a
user operation to the usability community, or an attack to the security
community. We use the same term to describe a motivating action for developmental
qualities. Thus, a stimulus for modifiability is a request for
a modification; a stimulus for testability is the completion of a phase of
■ Stimulus source. A stimulus must have a source—it must come from somewhere.
The source of the stimulus may affect how it is treated by the system.
A request from a trusted user will not undergo the same scrutiny as a
request by an untrusted user.
■ Response. How the system should respond to the stimulus must also be
specified. The response consists of the responsibilities that the system
(for runtime qualities) or the developers (for development-time qualities)
should perform in response to the stimulus. For example, in a performance
scenario, an event arrives (the stimulus) and the system should process
that event and generate a response. In a modifiability scenario, a request
for a modification arrives (the stimulus) and the developers should implement
the modification—without side effects—and then test and deploy the
■ Response measure. Determining whether a response is satisfactory—
whether the requirement is satisfied—is enabled by providing a response
measure. For performance this could be a measure of latency or throughput;
for modifiability it could be the labor or wall clock time required to make,
test, and deploy the modification.
These four characteristics of a scenario are the heart of our quality attribute
specifications. But there are two more characteristics that are important: environment
and artifact.
■ Environment. The environment of a requirement is the set of circumstances
in which the scenario takes place. The environment acts as a qualifier on
the stimulus. For example, a request for a modification that arrives after
the code has been frozen for a release may be treated differently than one
that arrives before the freeze. A failure that is the fifth successive failure
4.4 Specifying Quality Attribute Requirements 69
of a component may be treated differently than the first failure of that
■ Artifact. Finally, the artifact is the portion of the system to which the
requirement applies. Frequently this is the entire system, but occasionally
specific portions of the system may be called out. A failure in a
data store may be treated differently than a failure in the metadata store.
Modifications to the user interface may have faster response times than
modifications to the middleware.
To summarize how we specify quality attribute requirements, we capture
them formally as six-part scenarios. While it is common to omit one or more of
these six parts, particularly in the early stages of thinking about quality attributes,
knowing that all parts are there forces the architect to consider whether each part
is relevant.
In summary, here are the six parts:
1. Source of stimulus. This is some entity (a human, a computer system, or
any other actuator) that generated the stimulus.
2. Stimulus. The stimulus is a condition that requires a response when it arrives
at a system.
3. Environment. The stimulus occurs under certain conditions. The system
may be in an overload condition or in normal operation, or some other relevant
state. For many systems, “normal” operation can refer to one of a number
of modes. For these kinds of systems, the environment should specify in
which mode the system is executing.
4. Artifact. Some artifact is stimulated. This may be a collection of systems,
the whole system, or some piece or pieces of it.
5. Response. The response is the activity undertaken as the result of the arrival
of the stimulus.
6. Response measure. When the response occurs, it should be measurable in
some fashion so that the requirement can be tested.
We distinguish general quality attribute scenarios (which we call “general
scenarios” for short)—those that are system independent and can, potentially,
pertain to any system—from concrete quality attribute scenarios (concrete scenarios)—those
that are specific to the particular system under consideration.
We can characterize quality attributes as a collection of general scenarios.
Of course, to translate these generic attribute characterizations into requirements
for a particular system, the general scenarios need to be made system specific.
Detailed examples of these scenarios will be given in Chapters 5–11. Figure 4.1
shows the parts of a quality attribute scenario that we have just discussed. Figure
4.2 shows an example of a general scenario, in this case for availability.
70 Part Two Quality Attributes 4—Understanding Quality Attributes
4.5 Achieving Quality Attributes through Tactics
The quality attribute requirements specify the responses of the system that, with a
bit of luck and a dose of good planning, realize the goals of the business. We now
turn to the techniques an architect can use to achieve the required quality attributes.
We call these techniques architectural tactics. A tactic is a design decision
that influences the achievement of a quality attribute response—tactics directly
affect the system’s response to some stimulus. Tactics impart portability to one
design, high performance to another, and integrability to a third.
Stimulus Response
Measure Source
of Stimulus
2 1
Figure 4.1 The parts of a quality attribute scenario
Figure 4.2 A general scenario for availability
Stimulus Response
Measure Source
of Stimulus
2 1
people, hardware,
software, physical
Prevent fault from
becoming failure
Detect fault: log, notify
Recover from fault:
disable event source,
be unavailable,
fix/mask, degraded
Time or time interval
system must be available
Availability percentage
Time in degraded mode
Time to detect fault
Repair time
Proportion of faults
system handles
channels, persistent
storage, processes
Normal operation,
startup, shutdown,
repair mode,
4.5 Achieving Quality Attributes through Tactics 71
Not My Problem
One time I was doing an architecture analysis on a complex system created
by and for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. If you visit their
website ( and try to figure out what Livermore Labs does, you
will see the word “security” mentioned over and over. The lab focuses on
nuclear security, international and domestic security, and environmental
and energy security. Serious stuff . . .
Keeping this emphasis in mind, I asked them to describe the quality
attributes of concern for the system that I was analyzing. I’m sure you can
imagine my surprise when security wasn’t mentioned once! The system
stakeholders mentioned performance, modifiability, evolvability, interoperability,
configurability, and portability, and one or two more, but the word
security never passed their lips.
Being a good analyst, I questioned this seemingly shocking and obvious
omission. Their answer was simple and, in retrospect, straightforward: “We
don’t care about it. Our systems are not connected to any external network
and we have barbed-wire fences and guards with machine guns.” Of
course, someone at Livermore Labs was very interested in security. But it
was clearly not the software architects.
The focus of a tactic is on a single quality attribute response. Within a tactic,
there is no consideration of tradeoffs. Tradeoffs must be explicitly considered
and controlled by the designer. In this respect, tactics differ from architectural
patterns, where tradeoffs are built into the pattern. (We visit the relation between
tactics and patterns in Chapter 14. Chapter 13 explains how sets of tactics for a
quality attribute can be constructed, which are the steps we used to produce the
set in this book.)
A system design consists of a collection of decisions. Some of these decisions
help control the quality attribute responses; others ensure achievement of
system functionality. We represent the relationship between stimulus, tactics, and
response in Figure 4.3. The tactics, like design patterns, are design techniques
that architects have been using for years. Our contribution is to isolate, catalog,
and describe them. We are not inventing tactics here, we are just capturing what
architects do in practice.
Why do we do this? There are three reasons:
1. Design patterns are complex; they typically consist of a bundle of design
decisions. But patterns are often difficult to apply as is; architects need to
modify and adapt them. By understanding the role of tactics, an architect
can more easily assess the options for augmenting an existing pattern to
achieve a quality attribute goal.
72 Part Two Quality Attributes 4—Understanding Quality Attributes
2. If no pattern exists to realize the architect’s design goal, tactics allow the
architect to construct a design fragment from “first principles.” Tactics give
the architect insight into the properties of the resulting design fragment.
3. By cataloging tactics, we provide a way of making design more systematic
within some limitations. Our list of tactics does not provide a taxonomy. We
only provide a categorization. The tactics will overlap, and you frequently
will have a choice among multiple tactics to improve a particular quality attribute.
The choice of which tactic to use depends on factors such as tradeoffs
among other quality attributes and the cost to implement. These considerations
transcend the discussion of tactics for particular quality attributes.
Chapter 17 provides some techniques for choosing among competing tactics.
The tactics that we present can and should be refined. Consider performance:
Schedule resources is a common performance tactic. But this tactic needs
to be refined into a specific scheduling strategy, such as shortest-job-first, roundrobin,
and so forth, for specific purposes. Use an intermediary is a modifiability
tactic. But there are multiple types of intermediaries (layers, brokers, and proxies,
to name just a few). Thus there are refinements that a designer will employ to
make each tactic concrete.
In addition, the application of a tactic depends on the context. Again considering
performance: Manage sampling rate is relevant in some real-time systems
but not in all real-time systems and certainly not in database systems.
4.6 Guiding Quality Design Decisions
Recall that one can view an architecture as the result of applying a collection of
design decisions. What we present here is a systematic categorization of these
Figure 4.3 Tactics are intended to control responses to stimuli.
Stimulus Response
to Control
4.6 Guiding Quality Design Decisions 73
decisions so that an architect can focus attention on those design dimensions
likely to be most troublesome.
The seven categories of design decisions are
1. Allocation of responsibilities
2. Coordination model
3. Data model
4. Management of resources
5. Mapping among architectural elements
6. Binding time decisions
7. Choice of technology
These categories are not the only way to classify architectural design decisions,
but they do provide a rational division of concerns. These categories might
overlap, but it’s all right if a particular decision exists in two different categories,
because the concern of the architect is to ensure that every important decision is
considered. Our categorization of decisions is partially based on our definition
of software architecture in that many of our categories relate to the definition of
structures and the relations among them.
Allocation of Responsibilities
Decisions involving allocation of responsibilities include the following:
■ Identifying the important responsibilities, including basic system functions,
architectural infrastructure, and satisfaction of quality attributes.
■ Determining how these responsibilities are allocated to non-runtime and
runtime elements (namely, modules, components, and connectors).
Strategies for making these decisions include functional decomposition,
modeling real-world objects, grouping based on the major modes of system operation,
or grouping based on similar quality requirements: processing frame rate,
security level, or expected changes.
In Chapters 5–11, where we apply these design decision categories to a
number of important quality attributes, the checklists we provide for the allocation
of responsibilities category is derived systematically from understanding the
stimuli and responses listed in the general scenario for that QA.
Coordination Model
Software works by having elements interact with each other through designed
mechanisms. These mechanisms are collectively referred to as a coordination
model. Decisions about the coordination model include these:
74 Part Two Quality Attributes 4—Understanding Quality Attributes
■ Identifying the elements of the system that must coordinate, or are prohibited
from coordinating.
■ Determining the properties of the coordination, such as timeliness, currency,
completeness, correctness, and consistency.
■ Choosing the communication mechanisms (between systems, between our
system and external entities, between elements of our system) that realize
those properties. Important properties of the communication mechanisms
include stateful versus stateless, synchronous versus asynchronous, guaranteed
versus nonguaranteed delivery, and performance-related properties
such as throughput and latency.
Data Model
Every system must represent artifacts of system-wide interest—data—in some
internal fashion. The collection of those representations and how to interpret
them is referred to as the data model. Decisions about the data model include the
■ Choosing the major data abstractions, their operations, and their properties.
This includes determining how the data items are created, initialized, accessed,
persisted, manipulated, translated, and destroyed.
■ Compiling metadata needed for consistent interpretation of the data.
■ Organizing the data. This includes determining whether the data is going
to be kept in a relational database, a collection of objects, or both. If both,
then the mapping between the two different locations of the data must be
Management of Resources
An architect may need to arbitrate the use of shared resources in the architecture.
These include hard resources (e.g., CPU, memory, battery, hardware buffers,
system clock, I/O ports) and soft resources (e.g., system locks, software buffers,
thread pools, and non-thread-safe code).
Decisions for management of resources include the following:
■ Identifying the resources that must be managed and determining the limits
for each.
■ Determining which system element(s) manage each resource.
■ Determining how resources are shared and the arbitration strategies employed
when there is contention.
■ Determining the impact of saturation on different resources. For example,
as a CPU becomes more heavily loaded, performance usually just degrades
fairly steadily. On the other hand, when you start to run out of memory, at
4.6 Guiding Quality Design Decisions 75
some point you start paging/swapping intensively and your performance
suddenly crashes to a halt.
Mapping among Architectural Elements
An architecture must provide two types of mappings. First, there is mapping
between elements in different types of architecture structures—for example,
mapping from units of development (modules) to units of execution (threads or
processes). Next, there is mapping between software elements and environment
elements—for example, mapping from processes to the specific CPUs where
these processes will execute.
Useful mappings include these:
■ The mapping of modules and runtime elements to each other—that is, the
runtime elements that are created from each module; the modules that contain
the code for each runtime element.
■ The assignment of runtime elements to processors.
■ The assignment of items in the data model to data stores.
■ The mapping of modules and runtime elements to units of delivery.
Binding Time Decisions
Binding time decisions introduce allowable ranges of variation. This variation
can be bound at different times in the software life cycle by different entities—
from design time by a developer to runtime by an end user. A binding time decision
establishes the scope, the point in the life cycle, and the mechanism for
achieving the variation.
The decisions in the other six categories have an associated binding time
decision. Examples of such binding time decisions include the following:
■ For allocation of responsibilities, you can have build-time selection of modules
via a parameterized makefile.
■ For choice of coordination model, you can design runtime negotiation of
■ For resource management, you can design a system to accept new peripheral
devices plugged in at runtime, after which the system recognizes them
and downloads and installs the right drivers automatically.
■ For choice of technology, you can build an app store for a smartphone that
automatically downloads the version of the app appropriate for the phone of
the customer buying the app.
When making binding time decisions, you should consider the costs to implement
the decision and the costs to make a modification after you have implemented
the decision. For example, if you are considering changing platforms
76 Part Two Quality Attributes 4—Understanding Quality Attributes
at some time after code time, you can insulate yourself from the effects caused
by porting your system to another platform at some cost. Making this decision
depends on the costs incurred by having to modify an early binding compared to
the costs incurred by implementing the mechanisms involved in the late binding.
Choice of Technology
Every architecture decision must eventually be realized using a specific technology.
Sometimes the technology selection is made by others, before the intentional
architecture design process begins. In this case, the chosen technology
becomes a constraint on decisions in each of our seven categories. In other cases,
the architect must choose a suitable technology to realize a decision in every one
of the categories.
Choice of technology decisions involve the following:
■ Deciding which technologies are available to realize the decisions made in
the other categories.
■ Determining whether the available tools to support this technology choice
(IDEs, simulators, testing tools, etc.) are adequate for development to
■ Determining the extent of internal familiarity as well as the degree of external
support available for the technology (such as courses, tutorials, examples,
and availability of contractors who can provide expertise in a crunch)
and deciding whether this is adequate to proceed.
■ Determining the side effects of choosing a technology, such as a required
coordination model or constrained resource management opportunities.
■ Determining whether a new technology is compatible with the existing
technology stack. For example, can the new technology run on top of or
alongside the existing technology stack? Can it communicate with the existing
technology stack? Can the new technology be monitored and managed?
4.7 Summary
Requirements for a system come in three categories:
1. Functional. These requirements are satisfied by including an appropriate set
of responsibilities within the design.
2. Quality attribute. These requirements are satisfied by the structures and
behaviors of the architecture.
3. Constraints. A constraint is a design decision that’s already been made.
4.9 Discussion Questions 77
To express a quality attribute requirement, we use a quality attribute scenario.
The parts of the scenario are these:
1. Source of stimulus
2. Stimulus
3. Environment
4. Artifact
5. Response
6. Response measure
An architectural tactic is a design decision that affects a quality attribute
response. The focus of a tactic is on a single quality attribute response. Architectural
patterns can be seen as “packages” of tactics.
The seven categories of architectural design decisions are these:
1. Allocation of responsibilities
2. Coordination model
3. Data model
4. Management of resources
5. Mapping among architectural elements
6. Binding time decisions
7. Choice of technology
4.8 For Further Reading
Philippe Kruchten [Kruchten 04] provides another categorization of design
Pena [Pena 87] uses categories of Function/Form/Economy/Time as a way
of categorizing design decisions.
Binding time and mechanisms to achieve different types of binding times
are discussed in [Bachmann 05].
Taxonomies of quality attributes can be found in [Boehm 78], [McCall 77],
and [ISO 11].
Arguments for viewing architecture as essentially independent from function
can be found in [Shaw 95].
4.9 Discussion Questions
1. What is the relationship between a use case and a quality attribute scenario?
If you wanted to add quality attribute information to a use case, how would
you do it?
78 Part Two Quality Attributes 4—Understanding Quality Attributes
2. Do you suppose that the set of tactics for a quality attribute is finite or infinite?
3. Discuss the choice of programming language (an example of choice of
technology) and its relation to architecture in general, and the design
decisions in the other six categories? For instance, how can certain programming
languages enable or inhibit the choice of particular coordination
4. We will be using the automatic teller machine as an example throughout
the chapters on quality attributes. Enumerate the set of responsibilities that
an automatic teller machine should support and propose an initial design to
accommodate that set of responsibilities. Justify your proposal.
5. Think about the screens that your favorite automatic teller machine uses.
What do those screens tell you about binding time decisions reflected in the
6. Consider the choice between synchronous and asynchronous communication
(a choice in the coordination mechanism category). What quality attribute
requirements might lead you to choose one over the other?
7. Consider the choice between stateful and stateless communication (a choice
in the coordination mechanism category). What quality attribute requirements
might lead you to choose one over the other?
8. Most peer-to-peer architecture employs late binding of the topology. What
quality attributes does this promote or inhibit?
AADL (Architecture Analysis and Design
Language), 354
Abstract common services tactic, 124
Abstract data sources for testability, 165
Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) analyzers, 386
Abstraction, architecture as, 5–6
Acceptance testing, 372
basis sets, 261
network, 504
access_read relationship, 384
access_write relationship, 384
ACID (atomic, consistent, isolated, and
durable) properties, 95
Acknowledged system of systems, 106
Active redundancy, 91, 256–259
ActiveMQ product, 224
competence, 468
test, 374–375
Activity diagrams for traces, 353
Actors tactic, 152–153
Adams, Douglas, 437
ADD method. See Attribute-Driven Design
(ADD) method
Add-ons, 491–492
ADLs (architecture description languages), 330
Adolphus, Gustavus, 42
Adoption strategies, 494–496
Adventure Builder system, 224, 226, 237
Aggregation for usability, 180
Agile projects, 533
architecture example, 283–285
architecture methods, 281–283
architecture overview, 277–281
description, 44–45
documenting, 356–357
guidelines, 286–287
introduction, 275–277
patterns, 238
requirements, 56
summary, 287–288
AIC (Architecture Influence Cycle)
description, 58
Vasa ship, 43
Air France flight 447, 192
Air traffic control systems, 366–367
Allen, Woody, 79
Allocated to relation
allocation views, 339–340
deployment structure, 14
multi-tier pattern, 237
Allocation of responsibilities category
ASRs, 293
availability, 96
interoperability, 114
modifiability, 126
performance, 143
quality design decisions, 73
security, 154
testability, 169
usability, 181
Allocation patterns
map-reduce, 232–235
miscellaneous, 238
multi-tier, 235–237
Allocation structures, 5, 11, 14
Allocation views, 339–340
Allowed-to-use relationship, 206–207
Alpha testing, 372
Alternatives, evaluating, 398
Amazon service-level agreements, 81, 522
architecture, 47–48
ATAM, 408–409, 411
availability, 255–259
back-of-the-envelope, 262–264
conformance by, 389–392
economic. See Economic analysis
outsider, 399
performance, 252–255
Analysts, 54
Analytic model space, 259–260
Analytic perspective on up-front work vs.
agility, 279–281
Analytic redundancy tactic, 90
AND gate symbol, 84
Anonymizing test data, 171
Antimissile system, 104
Apache web server, 528, 531
ATAM, 407–409, 411
CIA, 147–148
Lightweight Architecture Evaluation, 416
564 Index
background and experience, 51–52
cloud environments, 520–523
communication with, 29
competence, 459–467
description and interests, 54
duties, 460–464
knowledge, 466–467
responsibilities, 422–423
skills, 463, 465
test role, 375–376
Architectural structures
allocation, 14
component-and-connector, 13–14
documentation, 17–18
insight from, 11–12
kinds, 10–11
limiting, 17
module, 12–13
relating to each other, 14, 16–17
selecting, 17
table of, 15
views, 9–10
Architecturally significant requirements
(ASRs), 46–47, 291–292
ADD method, 320–321
from business goals, 296–304
designing to, 311–312
interviewing stakeholders, 294–296
from requirements documents, 292–293
utility trees for, 304–307
Agile projects. See Agile projects
analyzing, 47–48
availability. See Availability
business context, 49–51
changes, 27–28
cloud. See Cloud environments
competence. See Competence
conceptual integrity of, 189
design. See Design and design strategy
documenting. See Documentation
drivers in PALM, 305
economics. See Economic analysis
evaluation. See Evaluation
implementation. See Implementation
influences, 56–58
in life cycle, 271–274
management. See Management and
modifiability. See Modifiability
patterns. See Patterns
performance. See Performance
product lines. See Software product lines
product reuse, 483–484
QAW drivers, 295
QAW plan presentation, 295
quality attributes. See Quality attributes
reconstruction and conformance. See
Reconstruction and conformance
requirements. See Architecturally
significant requirements (ASRs);
security. See Security
structures. See Architectural structures
tactics. See Tactics
testability. See Testability
usability. See Usability
Architecture Analysis and Design Language
(AADL), 354
Architecture-centric projects, 279
Architecture description languages (ADLs),
Architecture Influence Cycle (AIC)
description, 58
Vasa ship, 43
Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method
(ATAM), 48, 283, 400
approaches, 407–409, 411
business drivers, 404–405
example exercise, 411–414
outputs, 402–403
participants, 400–401
phases, 403–404
presentation, 403–406
results, 411
scenarios, 408, 410
steps, 404–411
Ariane 5 explosion, 192
Aristotle, 185
Arrival pattern for events, 133
availability, 85–86
in evaluation, 399
interoperability, 107–108
modifiability, 119–120
performance, 134
product reuse, 484
quality attributes expressions, 69–70
security, 148, 150
testability, 162–163
usability, 176
variability, 489
ASP.NET framework, 215
for testability, 167
Index 565
variation mechanism, 492
ASRs. See Architecturally significant
requirements (ASRs)
Assembly connectors in UML, 369
Assertions for system state, 166
Assessment goals, 469
Assessment of competence, 469–472,
Assign utility
CBAM, 446
NASA ECS project, 452
AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) analyzers, 386
Asymmetric flow in client-server pattern, 218
Asynchronous messaging, 223, 225
ATAM. See Architecture Tradeoff Analysis
Method (ATAM)
ATM (automatic teller machine) banking
system, 219
Atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable
(ACID) properties, 95
Attachment relation
broker pattern, 211
client-server pattern, 218
component-and-connector structures, 13
pipe-and-filter pattern, 216
publish-subscribe pattern, 227
shared-data pattern, 231
Attachments in component-and-connector
views, 336–337
Attribute-Driven Design (ADD) method, 316
ASRs, 320–321
element choice, 318–319
element design solution, 321
inputs, 316
output, 317–318
repeating steps, 324
verify and refine requirements step,
Attributes. See Quality attributes
Audiences for documentation, 328–329
Auditor checklists, 260
Audits, 153
Authenticate actors tactic, 152
Authentication in CIA approach, 148
Authorization in CIA approach, 148
Authorize actors tactic, 152
Automated delivery in Metropolis model, 535
Automatic reallocation of IP addresses, 516
Automatic scaling, 516
Automatic teller machine (ATM) banking
system, 219
Automation for testability, 171–172
AUTOSAR framework, 364
analytic model space, 259
analyzing, 255–259
broker pattern, 240
calculations, 259
CAP theorem, 523
CIA approach, 147
cloud, 521
design checklist, 96–98
detect faults tactic, 87–91
general scenario, 85–86
introduction, 79–81
planning for failure, 82–85
prevent faults tactic, 94–95
recover-from-faults tactics, 91–94
summary, 98–99
tactics overview, 87
Availability of resources tactic, 136
Availability quality attribute, 307
Availability zones, 522
Avižienis, Algirdas, 79
Back door reviews, 544–545
Back-of-the-envelope analysis, 262–264
Background of architects, 51–52
Bank application, 391–392
Base mechanisms in cloud, 509–514
Basis sets for quality attributes, 261
BDUF (Big Design Up Front) process, 278
documenting, 351–354
element, 347
in software architecture, 6–7
Benefit in economic analysis, 441–442
Benkler, Yochai, 528
Beta testing, 372
Big bang integration, 371
Big bang models, 495–496
Big Design Up Front (BDUF) process, 278
BigTable database system, 518
Binder, Robert, 167
late, 385, 388
modifiability, 124–125
user interface, 178
Binding time category
ASRs, 293
availability, 98
interoperability, 115
modifiability, 122, 127
performance, 144
quality design, 75–76
security, 156
566 Index
Binding time category, continued
testability, 170
usability, 182
BitTorrent networks, 221
Black-box testing, 372–373
“Blind Men and the Elephant” (Saxe), 379
Blocked time in performance, 136
Blogger website, 528
Boehm, Barry, 279, 281, 286, 288
Booch, Grady, 286
Boolean logic diagrams, 83
Bottom-up adoption, 495
Bottom-up analysis mode, 284
Bottom-up schedules, 420–421
Bound execution times tactic, 138
Bound queue sizes tactic, 139
Boundaries in ADD method, 317
Box-and-line drawings
as architectures, 6
component-and-connector views, 338
BPEL (Business Process Execution
Language), 108
ATAM, 410
Lightweight Architecture Evaluation, 416
QAW, 295
Branson, Richard, 443
Breadth first ADD strategy, 319
Brewer, Eric, 522
Broadcast-based publish-subscribe pattern,
Broker pattern
availability, 255–259
description, 210–212
weaknesses, 240–242
Brooks, Fred, 47, 419
Buley, Taylor, 147
Bureaucracy in implementation, 427
Bush, Vannevar, 397
Business cases in project life-cycle context,
Business context
architecture influence on, 58
architectures and business goals, 49–50
Business drivers
ATAM, 404–405
Lightweight Architecture Evaluation, 416
PALM method, 305
Business goals
ASRs from, 296–304
assessment, 469
ATAM, 402
business context, 49–50
capturing, 304
categorization, 297–299
evaluation process, 400
expressing, 299–301
general scenario, 301–303
PALM method, 305
views for, 332
Business managers, 54
Business/mission presentation in QAW, 295
Business Process Execution Language
(BPEL), 108
Business process improvements as business
goal, 299
Business-related architect skills, 465
C&C structures. See Component-and-connector
(C&C) patterns and structures
Caching tactic, 139
Callbacks in Model-View-Controller pattern,
Calls relationship in view extraction, 384
Cancel command, 179
CAP theorem, 518, 522–523
Capture scenarios for quality attributes,
ASRs in utility trees, 304–307
business goals, 304–307
Catastrophic failures, 82
Categorization of business goals, 297–299
CBAM. See Cost Benefit Analysis Method
documenting, 355–356
modifiability. See Modifiability
reasoning and managing, 27–28
Change control boards, 427
Change default settings tactic, 153
Chaos Monkey, 160–161
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 459
Check-in, syncing at, 368
Choice of technology category
ASRs, 293
availability, 98
interoperability, 115
modifiability, 127
performance, 144
security, 156
testability, 170
usability, 182
CIA (confidentiality, integrity, and availability)
approach, 147–148
City analogy in Metropolis model, 536
Index 567
class_contains_method relationship, 384
class_is_subclass_of_class relationship, 384
Class structure, 13
Classes in testability, 167
Clements, Paul, 66
Client-server patterns, 19, 217–219
Client-side proxies, 211
broker pattern, 211
simulators, 265
Clone-and-own practice, 482–483
Cloud environments
architecting in, 520–523
availability, 521
base mechanisms, 509–514
database systems, 517–520
definitions, 504–505
deployment models, 506
economic justification, 506–509
equipment utilization, 508–509
IaaS model, 515–517
introduction, 503–504
multi-tenancy applications, 509
PaaS model, 517
performance, 521
security, 520–521
service models, 505–506
summary, 524
Cluster managers, 515
CMG (Computer Measurement Group), 524
Co-located teams
Agile, 277
coordination, 427
Cockburn, Alistair, 287
COCOMO II (COnstructive COst MOdel II)
scale factor, 279
architecture consistency, 366–368
design in, 364
KSLOC, 279–281
mapping to, 334
security, 157
templates, 365–367
in modifiability, 121–123
in testability, 167
Cold spares, 92, 256–259
Collaborative system of systems, 106
Collating scenarios
CBAM, 445
NASA ECS project, 451
COMBINATION gate symbol, 84
Combining views, 343–345
Commercial implementations of map-reduce
patterns, 234
Common Object Request Broker Architecture
(CORBA), 212
Communicates with relation, 237
Agile software development, 277
architect skills, 465
architecture, 47
documentation for, 329
global development, 425
stakeholder, 29–31
Communication diagrams for traces, 353
Communications views, 341
Community clouds, 506
Compatibility in component-and-connector
views, 336
Compatibility quality attribute, 193
activities, 468
architects, 459–467
assessment, 469–472, 474–475
assessment goals, 469
introduction, 459–460
models, 476
questions, 470, 472–474
software architecture organizations,
summary, 475
Competence center patterns, 19, 238
Competence set tactic, 95
broker pattern, 211
quality attributes, 71
in testability, 167–168
Component-and-connector (C&C) patterns
and structures, 5, 10–11
broker, 210–212
client-server, 217–219
Model-View-Controller, 212–215
peer-to-peer, 220–222
pipe-and-filter, 215–217
publish-subscribe, 226–229
service-oriented architecture, 222–226
shared-data, 230–231
types, 13–14
views, 335–339, 344, 406
Components, 5
independently developed, 35–36
replacing for testability, 167
substituting in variation mechanism, 492
Comprehensive models for behavior documentation,
351, 353–354
568 Index
Computer Measurement Group (CMG), 524
Computer science knowledge of architects,
Concepts and terms, 368–369
Conceptual integrity of architecture, 189
Concrete quality attribute scenarios, 69
component-and-connector views, 13–14,
handling, 132–133
Condition monitoring tactic, 89
Confidence in usability, 175
Confidentiality, integrity, and availability
(CIA) approach, 147–148
Configurability quality attribute, 307
Configuration manager roles, 422
Configurators, 492
Conformance, 380–381
by analysis, 389–392
architectural, 48
by construction, 389
Conformance checkers, 54
Conformity Monkey, 161
component-and-connector views,
multi-tier pattern, 236
peer-to-peer systems, 220
REST, 225
UML, 369
CAP theorem, 523
code and architecture, 366–368
databases, 520
Consolidation in QAW, 295
ADD method, 322–323
allocation views, 339
broker pattern, 211
client-server pattern, 218
component-and-connector views, 337
conformance, 390
defining, 32–33
layered pattern, 207
map-reduce patterns, 235
Model-View-Controller pattern, 213
modular views, 333
multi-tier pattern, 236–237
peer-to-peer pattern, 222
pipe-and-filter pattern, 216
publish-subscribe pattern, 227
requirements, 64–65
service-oriented architecture pattern, 225
shared-data pattern, 231
Construction, conformance by, 389
COnstructive COst MOdel II (COCOMO II)
scale factor, 279
Content-based publish-subscribe pattern, 229
Contention for resources tactic, 136
Context diagrams
ATAM presentations, 406
in documentation, 347
architecture influence, 56–58
business, 49–51, 58
decision-making, 438–439
professional, 51–52
project life-cycle, 44–48
in relationships, 204–205
stakeholders, 52–55
summary, 59
technical, 40–43
thought experiments, 263
types, 39–40
Contextual factors in evaluation, 399–400
Continuity as business goal, 298
Control relation in map-reduce patterns, 235
Control resource demand tactic, 137–138
Control tactics for testability, 164–167
Controllers in Model-View-Controller
pattern, 213–214
Conway’s law, 38
Coordination model category
ASRs, 293
availability, 96
global development, 426
interoperability, 114
modifiability, 126
performance, 143
quality design decisions, 73–74
security, 155
testability, 169
usability, 181
CORBA (Common Object Request Broker
Architecture), 212
Core asset units, 497
Core requirements, 531–532
Core vs. periphery in Metropolis model, 534
Correlation logic for faults, 81
Cost Benefit Analysis Method (CBAM), 442
cost determination, 444
results, 456–457
steps, 445–447
utility curve determination, 442–443
variation points, 448–450
weighting determination, 444
Index 569
CBAM, 444
of change, 118
estimates, 34
global development, 423–424
independently developed components
for, 36
power, 507
resources, 244
thought experiments, 263
value for, 442
Costs to complete measure, 430
in modifiability, 121–124
in testability, 167
Crashes and availability, 85
Credit cards, 147, 157, 260, 268
Crisis, syncing at, 368
Criteria for ASRs, 306
Crowd management in Metropolis model,
Crowdsourcing, 528
CRUD operations, 109
CruiseControl tool, 172
Crystal Clear method, 44, 287
Cummins, Inc., 480, 490
Cunningham, Ward, 286
communication with, 29
edge-dominant systems, 529
Customization of user interface, 180
Darwin, Charles, 275
Data Access Working Group (DAWG), 451
Data accessors in shared-data pattern,
Data latency, utility trees for, 306
Data model category, 13
ASRs, 293
availability, 96
interoperability, 114
modifiability, 126
performance, 143
quality design decisions, 74
security, 155
testability, 169
usability, 182
Data reading and writing in shared-data
pattern, 230–231
Data replication, 139
Data sets
map-reduce pattern, 232–233
for testability, 170–171
Data stores in shared-data pattern, 230–231
Data transformation systems, 215
Database administrators, 54
Database systems
cloud, 517–520
in reconstruction, 386–387
DataNodes, 512–514
DAWG (Data Access Working Group), 451
Deadline monotonic prioritization strategy,
Deadlines in processing, 134
Debugging brokers, 211
Decision makers on ATAM teams, 401
Decision-making context, 438–439
evaluating, 398
mapping to quality requirements, 402–403
quality design, 72–76
description, 311–312
module, 5, 12, 16
views, 16, 343, 345
Dedicated finite resources, 530
analysis, 374
eliminating, 486
tracking, 430
Defer binding
modifiability, 124–125
user interface, 178
Degradation tactic, 93
Delegation connectors, 369
Demilitarized zones (DMZs), 152
Denial-of-service attacks, 79, 521, 533
basis set elements, 261
on computations, 136
intermediary tactic for, 123–124
user interface, 178
Dependent events in probability, 257
Depends-on relation
layered pattern, 207
modules, 332–333
Deploy on relation, 235
Deployability attribute, 129, 187
Deployers, 54
Deployment models for cloud, 506
Deployment structure, 14
Deployment views
ATAM presentations, 406
combining, 345
purpose, 332
Depth first ADD strategy, 319
570 Index
Design and design strategy, 311
ADD. See Attribute-Driven Design
(ADD) method
architecturally significant requirements,
in code, 364
decomposition, 311–312
early decisions, 31–32
generate and test process, 313–316
initial hypotheses, 314–315
next hypotheses, 315
quality attributes, 197
summary, 325
test choices, 315
Design checklists
availability, 96–98
design strategy hypotheses, 315
interoperability, 114–115
modifiability, 125–127
performance, 142–144
quality attributes, 199
security, 154–156
summary, 183
testability, 169–170
usability, 181–182
description and interests, 54
evaluation by, 397–398
Detect attacks tactics, 151
Detect faults tactic, 87–91
Detect intrusion tactic, 151
Detect message delay tactic, 151
Detect service denial tactic, 151
Deutsche Bank, 480
edge-dominant systems, 529
roles, 422
business context, 50–51
global, 423–426
incremental, 428
project life-cycle context, 44–45
tests, 374
Development distributability attribute, 186
failure from, 80
measuring, 429
Devices in ADD method, 317
DiNucci, Darcy, 527
dir_contains_dir relationship, 384
dir_contains_file relationship, 384
Directed system of systems, 106
Directories in documentation, 349
DiscoTect system, 391
Discover service tactic, 111
Discovery in interoperability, 105
Discovery services, 533
Distributed computing, 221
Distributed development, 427
Distributed testing in Metropolis model, 535
DMZs (demilitarized zones), 152
DNS (domain name server), 514
Doctor Monkey, 161
Agile development projects, 356–357
architect duties, 462
architectural structures, 17–18
architecture, 47, 347–349
behavior, 351–354
changing architectures, 355–356
distributed development, 427
global development, 426
introduction, 327–328
notations, 329–331
online, 350
packages, 345–351
patterns, 350–351
and quality attributes, 354–355
services, 533
summary, 359
uses and audiences for, 328–329
views. See Views
YAGNI, 282
Documentation maps, 347–349
Documents, control information, 347
Domain decomposition, 315
Domain knowledge of architects, 467
Domain name server (DNS), 514
ATAM, 404–405
Lightweight Architecture Evaluation, 416
PALM method, 305
QAW, 295
DSK (Duties, Skills, and Knowledge) model
of competence, 476
Duke’s Bank application, 391–392
architects, 460–464
competence, 472
professional context, 51
Duties, Skills, and Knowledge (DSK) model
of competence, 476
Dynamic allocation views, 340
Dynamic analysis with fault trees, 83
Dynamic priority scheduling strategies,
Index 571
Dynamic structures, 5
Dynamic system information, 385–386
Earliest-deadline-first scheduling strategy, 141
Early design decisions, 31–32
Earth Observing System Data Information
System (EOSDIS) Core System
(ECS). See NASA ECS project
eBay, 234
EC2 cloud service, 81, 160, 522, 532
Eclipse platform, 228
Economic analysis
basis, 439–442
benefit and normalization, 441–442
case study, 451–457
CBAM. See Cost Benefit Analysis
Method (CBAM)
cost value, 442
decision-making context, 438–439
introduction, 437
scenario weighting, 441
side effects, 441
summary, 457
utility-response curves, 439–441
cloud, 506–509
issues, 543
Economies of scale in cloud, 507–508
Ecosystems, 528–530
ECS system. See NASA ECS project
Edge-dominant systems, 528–530
Edison, Thomas, 203
eDonkey networks, 221
Education, documentation as, 328–329
Effective resource utilization, 187
Effectiveness category for quality, 189
Efficiency category for quality, 189–190
Einstein, Albert, 175
EJB (Enterprise Java Beans), 212
Elasticity, rapid, 504–505
Elasticity property, 187
Electric grids, 106
Electricity, 191, 570
Electronic communication in global
development, 426
ADD method, 318–319
allocation views, 339–340
broker pattern, 211
catalogs, 346–347
client-server pattern, 218
component-and-connector views, 337
defined, 5
layered pattern, 207
map-reduce patterns, 235
mapping, 75
Model-View-Controller pattern, 213
modular views, 333
multi-tier pattern, 237
peer-to-peer pattern, 222
pipe-and-filter pattern, 216
product reuse, 484
publish-subscribe pattern, 227
service-oriented architecture pattern, 225
shared-data pattern, 231
as goal-object, 302
responsibilities to, 299
Enabling quality attributes, 26–27
Encapsulation tactic, 123
Encrypt data tactic, 152
End users in edge-dominant systems, 529
Enterprise architecture vs. system
architecture, 7–8
Enterprise Java Beans (EJB), 212
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems,
Enterprise service bus (ESB), 223, 225, 369
ADD method, 317
allocation views, 339–340
availability, 85–86
business goals, 300
interoperability, 107–108
modifiability, 119–120
performance, 134
quality attributes expressions, 68–70
security, 149–150
technical context, 41–42
testability, 162–163
usability, 176
variability, 489
Environmental change as business goal, 299
ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems,
Errors, 80
core handling of, 532
detection by services, 533
error-handling views, 341
in usability, 175
ESB (enterprise service bus), 223, 225, 369
Escalating restart tactic, 94
Estimates, cost and schedule, 34
architect duties, 462–463
architecture, 47–48
572 Index
Evaluation, continued
ATAM. See Architecture Tradeoff
Analysis Method (ATAM)
contextual factors, 399–400
by designer, 397–398
Lightweight Architecture Evaluation,
outsider analysis, 399
peer review, 398–399
questions, 472
software product lines, 493–494
summary, 417
Evaluators, 54
Event bus in publish-subscribe pattern, 227
Model-View-Controller pattern, 214
performance, 131, 133
probability, 257
Eventual consistency model, 168, 523
Evolutionary prototyping, 33–34
Evolving software product lines, 496–497
Exception detection tactic, 90
Exception handling tactic, 92
Exception prevention tactic, 95
Exception views, 341
Exchanging information via interfaces,
EXCLUSIVE OR gate symbol, 84
Executable assertions for system state, 166
Execution of tests, 374
Exemplar systems, 485
Exercise conclusion in PALM method, 305
Existing systems in design, 314
Expected quality attribute response levels, 453
Experience of architects, 51–52
Experiments in quality attribute modeling,
Expressing business goals, 299–301
Extensibility quality attribute, 307
Extensible programming environments, 228
Extension points for variation, 491
External sources for product lines, 496
External system representatives, 55
External systems in ADD method, 317
Externalizing change, 125
Extract-transform-load functions, 235
Extraction, raw view, 382–386
Extreme Programming development
methodology, 44
Facebook, 527–528
map-reduce patterns, 234
users, 518
Fail fast principle, 522
Failure Mode, Effects, and Criticality
Analysis (FMECA), 83–84
Failures, 80
availability. See Availability
planning for, 82–85
probabilities and effects, 84–85
Fairbanks, George, 279, 364
Fallbacks principle, 522
Fault tree analysis, 82–84
Faults, 80
correlation logic, 81
detection, 87–91
prevention, 94–95
recovery from, 91–94
Feature removal principle, 522
FIFO (first-in/first-out) queues, 140
File system managers, 516
Filters in pipe-and-filter pattern, 215–217
Financial objectives as business goal, 298
Finding violations, 389–392
Fire-and-forget information exchange, 223
Firefox, 531
First-in/first-out (FIFO) queues, 140
First principles from tactics, 72
Fixed-priority scheduling, 140
Flex software development kit, 215
defer binding tactic, 124
independently developed components
for, 36
Flickr service, 527, 536
Flight control software, 192–193
FMECA (Failure Mode, Effects, and
Criticality Analysis), 83–84
Focus on architecture in Metropolis model,
Follow-up phase in ATAM, 403–404
Folsonomy, 528
Ford, Henry, 479
Formal documentation notations, 330
design strategy hypotheses, 314–315
implementation, 364–365
Frankl, Viktor E., 63
Freedom from risk category for quality, 189
Functional redundancy tactic, 90
Functional requirements, 64, 66
Functional responsibility in ADD method,
Functional suitability quality attribute, 193
component-and-connector views, 336
Index 573
description, 65
Fused views, 388–389
Gamma, E., 212
Gate symbols, 83–84
General Motors product line, 487
Generalization structure, 13
Generate and test process, 313–316
Generators of variation, 492
Get method for system state, 165
Global development, 423–426
Global metrics, 429–430
Gnutella networks, 221
Goal components in business goals, 300
Goals. See Business goals
Goldberg, Rube, 102
Good architecture, 19–21
Good enough vs. perfect, 398
database system, 518
Google App Engine, 517
Google Maps, 105–107
greenhouse gas from, 190–191
map-reduce patterns, 234
power sources, 507
Governance, 430–431
Government, responsibilities to, 299
Graceful degradation, 522
Graphical user interfaces in publish-subscribe
pattern, 228
Gray-box testing, 373
Green computing, 190–191
Greenspan, Alan, 443
Growth and continuity as business goal, 298
Guerrilla movements, 543–544
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), 512
Hardware costs for cloud, 507
Harel, David, 353
Harnesses for tests, 374
Hazard analysis, 82
Hazardous failures, 82
HBase database system, 518–519
HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System),
Heartbeat tactic, 89, 256, 408
Helm, R., 212
Hewlett-Packard, 480
Hiatus stage in ATAM, 409
High availability. See Availability
Highway systems, 142
Horizontal scalability, 187
Hot spare tactic, 91
HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol),
Hudson tool, 172
Hufstedler, Shirley, 363
Human body structure, 9
Human Performance model of competence,
Human Performance Technology model,
Human resource management in global
development, 425
Hybertsson, Henrik, 42–43
Hybrid clouds, 506
Hydroelectric power station catastrophe, 188,
Hypertext for documentation, 350
HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), 219
Hypervisors, 510–512
conformance, 390
design strategy, 314–315
fused views, 388
IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) model,
505–506, 515–517
Identify actors tactic, 152
Ignore faulty behavior tactic, 93
Implementation, 363–364, 427
architect duties, 463
code and architecture consistency, 366–368
code templates, 365–367
design in code, 364
frameworks, 364–365
incremental development, 428
modules, 333–334
structure, 14
summary, 376
testing, 370–376
tracking progress, 428–429
tradeoffs, 427
Implementors, 55
In-service software upgrade (ISSU), 92
Includes relationship, 384
Inclusion of elements for variation, 491
Increase cohesion tactic, 123
Increase competence set tactic, 95
Increase efficiency tactic, 142
Increase resource efficiency tactic, 138
Increase resources tactic, 138–139, 142
Increase semantic coherence tactic, 123, 239
Incremental Commitment Model, 286
Incremental development, 428
Incremental integration, 371
574 Index
Incremental models in adoption strategies,
Independent events in probability, 257
Independently developed components, 35–36
Inflexibility of methods, 277
Inform actors tactic, 153
Informal contacts in global development, 426
Informal notations for documentation, 330
Information handling skills, 465
Information sharing in cloud, 520
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) model,
505–506, 515–517
Infrastructure in map-reduce patterns, 235
Infrastructure labor costs in cloud, 507
Inheritance variation mechanism, 492
Inherits from relation, 13
INHIBIT gate symbol, 84
Inhibiting quality attributes, 26–27
Initial hypotheses in design strategy, 314–315
Inputs in ADD method, 316, 321–323
Instantiate relation, 235
Integration management in global
development, 424
Integration testing, 371–372
Integrators, 55
architecture, 189
CIA approach, 147
Interchangeable parts, 35–36, 480
exchanging information via, 104–105
separating, 178
Intermediary tactic, 123
Intermediate states in failures, 80
Internal sources of product lines, 496–497
Internet Protocol (IP) addresses
automatic reallocation, 516
overview, 514
analytic model space, 259
design checklist, 114–115
general scenario, 107–110
introduction, 103–106
service-oriented architecture pattern, 224
and standards, 112–113
summary, 115
tactics, 110–113
Interpersonal skills, 465
Interpolation in CBAM, 446
Interviewing stakeholders, 294–296
Introduce concurrency tactic, 139
Invokes-services role, 335
Involvement, 542–543
Iowability, 195–196
IP (Internet Protocol) addresses
automatic reallocation, 516
overview, 514
Is a relation, 332–333
Is-a-submodule-of relation, 12
Is an instance of relation, 13
Is part of relation
modules, 332–333
multi-tier pattern, 237
ISO 25010 standard, 66, 193–195
ISSU (in-service software upgrade), 92
Iterative approach
description, 44
reconstruction, 382
requirements, 56
Janitor Monkey, 161
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) form, 519
Jitter, 134
Jobs, Steve, 311
Johnson, R., 212
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) form, 519
Just Enough Architecture (Fairbanks), 279,
Keys in map-reduce pattern, 232
architects, 460, 466–467
competence, 472–473
professional context, 51
Kroc, Ray, 291
Kruchten, Philippe, 327
KSLOC (thousands of source lines of code),
Kundra, Vivek, 503
Labor availability in global development, 423
Labor costs
cloud, 507
global development, 423
Language, 542
Larger data sets in map-reduce patterns, 234
Late binding, 385, 388
CAP theorem, 523
performance, 133, 255
queuing models for, 198–199
utility trees for, 306
Latency Monkey, 161
Lattix tool, 387
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 71
Layer bridging, 206
Index 575
Layer structures, 13
Layer views in ATAM presentations, 406
Layered patterns, 19, 205–210
Layered views, 331–332
Leaders on ATAM teams, 401
Leadership skills, 464–465
Learning issues in usability, 175
Least-slack-first scheduling strategy, 141
LePatner, Barry, 3
Letterman, David, 443
failure, 258
restart, 94
testing, 370–372
Leveson, Nancy, 200
Lexical analyzers, 386
Life cycle
architecture in, 271–274
changes, 530–531
Metropolis model, 537
project. See Project life-cycle context
quality attribute analysis, 265–266
Life-cycle milestones, syncing at, 368
Lightweight Architecture Evaluation method,
Likelihood of change, 117
Limit access tactic, 152
Limit complexity tactic, 167
Limit event response tactic, 137
Limit exposure tactic, 152
Limit structural complexity tactic, 167–168
Linux, 531
List-based publish-subscribe pattern, 229
Load balancers, 139
Local changes, 27–28
Local knowledge of markets in global development,
Localize state storage for testability, 165
Locate tactic, 111
Location independence, 504
Lock computer tactic, 153
Logical threads in concurrency, 13–14
Macros for testability, 167
Mailing lists in publish-subscribe pattern,
Maintain multiple copies tactic, 142
Maintain multiple copies of computations
tactic, 139
Maintain multiple copies of data tactic, 139
Maintain system model tactic, 180
Maintain task model tactic, 180
Maintain user model tactic, 180
Maintainability quality attribute, 195, 307
Maintainers, 55
Major failures, 82
Manage event rate tactic, 142
Manage resources tactic, 137–139
Manage sampling rate tactic
performance, 137
quality attributes, 72
Management and governance
architect skills, 464
governance, 430–431
implementing, 427–429
introduction, 419
measuring, 429–430
organizing, 422–426
planning, 420–421
summary, 432
Management information in modules, 334
Managers, communication with, 29
Managing interfaces tactic, 111
Manifesto for Agile software development,
Map architectural strategies in CBAM, 446
Map-reduce pattern, 232–235
to requirements, 355, 402–403
to source code units, 334
Mapping among architectural elements
ASRs, 293
availability, 97
interoperability, 114
modifiability, 127
performance, 144
quality design decisions, 75
security, 155
testability, 169
usability, 182
Maps, documentation, 347–349
Market position as business goal, 299
Marketability category for quality, 190
Markov analysis, 83
Matrixed team members, 422
McGregor, John, 448
Mean time between failures (MTBF), 80,
Mean time to repair (MTTR), 80, 255–259
Measured services, 505
Measuring, 429–430
global development, 426
progress tracking, 428
Methods in product reuse, 484
576 Index
Metrics, 429–430
Metropolis structure
edge-dominant systems, 528–530
implications, 533–537
Microsoft Azure, 517
Microsoft Office 365, 509
Migrates-to relation, 14
Mill, John Stuart, 527
Minimal cut sets, 83
Minor failures, 82
Missile defense system, 104
Missile warning system, 192
Mixed initiative in usability, 177
Mobility attribute, 187
Model driven development, 45
Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern
overview, 212–215
performance analysis, 252–254
user interface, 178
product reuse, 484
quality attributes, 197–198
transferable and reusable, 35
analytic model space, 259
component-and-connector views, 337
design checklist, 125–127
general scenario, 119–120
introduction, 117–119
managing, 27
ping/echo, 243
restrict dependencies tactic, 246
scheduling policy tactic, 244–245
summary, 128
tactics, 121–125
and time-to-market, 284
unit testing, 371
in usability, 179
Modularity of core, 532
Modules and module patterns, 10, 205–210
coupling, 121
decomposition structures, 5
description, 4–5
types, 12–13
views, 332–335, 406
MongoDB database, 519
Monitor relation in map-reduce patterns, 235
Monitor tactic, 88–89
Monitorability attribute, 188
MoSCoW style, 292
MSMQ product, 224
MTBF (mean time between failures), 80,
MTTR (mean time to repair), 80, 255–259
cloud, 509, 520
description, 505
Multi-tier patterns, 19, 235–237
Multitasking, 132–133
Musket production, 35–36
MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern
overview, 212–215
performance analysis, 252–254
user interface, 178
Mythical Man-Month (Brooks), 47
NameNode process, 512–513
Names for modules, 333
NASA ECS project, 451
architectural strategies, 452–456
assign utility, 452
collate scenarios, 451
expected quality attribute response level,
prioritizing scenarios, 452
refining scenarios, 451–452
Nation as goal-object, 302
National Reconnaissance Office, 481
.NET platform, 212
cloud, 522
Simian Army, 160–161
Network administrators, 55
Networked services, 36
Networks, cloud, 514
Nightingale application, 306–307
No effect failures, 82
Node managers, 516
Nokia, 480
non-ASR requirements, 312–313
Non-stop forwarding (NSF) tactic, 94
Nondeterminism in testability, 168
Nonlocal changes, 27
Nonrepudiation in CIA approach, 148
Nonrisks in ATAM, 402
databases, 520
economic analysis, 441–442
NoSQL database systems, 518–520, 523
NoSQL movement, 248
component-and-connector views, 338–339
documentation, 329–331
failures, 80
Model-View-Controller pattern, 214
Index 577
NSF (non-stop forwarding) tactic, 94
Number of events not processed measurement,
Object-oriented systems
in testability, 167
use cases, 46
Objects in sequence diagrams, 352
Observability of failures, 80
Observe system state tactics, 164–167
Off-the-shelf components, 36
availability faults from, 85
for variation, 491
On-demand self-service, 504
1+1 redundancy tactic, 91
Online documentation, 350
Ontologies, 368–369
OPC (Order Processing Center) component,
224, 226
Open content systems, 529
Open Group
certification program, 477
governance responsibilities, 430–431
Open source software, 36, 238
Operation Desert Storm, 104
OR gate symbol, 84
Orchestrate tactic, 111
Orchestration servers, 223, 225
Order Processing Center (OPC) component,
224, 226
global development, 423–426
project manager and software architect
responsibilities, 422–423
software development teams, 422
Organizational Coordination model, 470,
473, 476
Organizational Learning model, 470, 474, 476
activities for success, 468
architect skills, 464
architecture influence on, 33
as goal-object, 302
security processes, 157
structural strategies for products, 497
Outages. See Availability
ADD method, 317–318
ATAM, 402–403
Outsider analysis, 399
Overlay views, 343
Overloading for variation, 491
Overview presentations in PALM method,
P2P (peer-to-peer) pattern, 220–222
PaaS (Platform as a Service) model, 505, 517
Page mappers, 510–512
PALM (Pedigreed Attribute eLicitation
Method), 304–305
Parameter fence tactic, 90
Parameter typing tactic, 90
Parameters for variation mechanism, 492
Parser tool, 386
Partitioning CAP theorem, 523
Partnership and preparation phase in ATAM,
Passive redundancy, 91–92, 256–259
Patterns, 18–19
allocation, 232–237
component-and-connector. See
Component-and-connector (C&C)
patterns and structures
documenting, 350–351
introduction, 203–204
module, 205–210
relationships, 204–205
summary, 247–248
and tactics, 238–247, 315
Paulish, Dan, 420
Pause/resume command, 179
Payment Card Industry (PCI), 260
PDF (probability density function), 255
PDM (platform-definition model), 45
Pedigree and value component of business
goals, 301
Pedigreed Attribute eLicitation Method
(PALM), 304–305
Peer nodes, 220
Peer review, 398–399
Peer-to-peer (P2P) pattern, 220–222
Penalties in Incremental Commitment Model,
managing, 464
in product reuse, 485
Perfect vs. good enough, 398
analytic model space, 259
analyzing, 252–255
broker pattern, 241
cloud, 521
component-and-connector views, 336
control resource demand tactics, 137–138
design checklist, 142–144
578 Index
Performance, continued
general scenario, 132–134
introduction, 131–132
manage resources tactics, 138–139
map-reduce pattern, 232
ping/echo, 243
and quality, 191
quality attributes tactics, 72
queuing models for, 198–199
resource effects, 244, 246
summary, 145
tactics overview, 135–137
views, 341
Performance quality attribute, 307
Performance efficiency quality attribute, 193
Periodic events, 133
Metropolis model, 535
requirements, 532
Persistent object managers, 515–516
Personal objectives as business goal, 298
Personnel availability in ADD method, 320
Petrov, Stanislav Yevgrafovich, 192
ATAM, 403–404
metrics, 430
Metropolis model, 534
Philips product lines, 480–481, 487
Physical security, 191
PIM (platform-independent model), 45
Ping/echo tactic, 87–88, 243
Pipe-and-filter pattern, 215–217
Planned increments, 530
for failure, 82–85
incremental development, 428
overview, 420–421
tests, 374
Platform as a Service (PaaS) model, 505, 517
Platform-definition model (PDM), 45
Platform-independent model (PIM), 45
architect knowledge about, 467
frameworks in, 365
patterns, 19, 238
services for, 532–533
Plug-in architectures, 34
PMBOK (Project Management Body of
Knowledge), 423–425
Pointers, smart, 95
Policies, scheduling, 140
Pooling resources, 504
Portability quality attributes, 67, 186, 195
Portfolio as goal-object, 302
Ports in component-and-connector views,
335, 337–338
Potential alternatives, 398
Potential problems, peer review for, 399
Potential quality attributes, 305
Power station catastrophe, 188, 192
Predicting system qualities, 28
Predictive model tactic, 95
Preemptible processes, 141
Preparation-and-repair tactic, 91–93
Preprocessor macros, 167
ATAM, 402–406
documentation, 346
Lightweight Architecture Evaluation, 416
PALM method, 305
QAW, 295
Prevent faults tactics, 94–95
Primary presentations in documentation, 346
Agile, 276–277
cloud failures, 522
design fragments from, 72
Incremental Commitment Model, 286
Prioritize events tactic, 137–138, 142
ATAM scenarios, 410
CBAM scenarios, 445–446
CBAM weighting, 444
Lightweight Architecture Evaluation
scenarios, 416
NASA ECS project scenarios, 452
QAW, 295–296
risk, 429
schedules, 140–141
views, 343
PRIORITY AND gate symbol, 84
Private clouds, 506
Private IP addresses, 514
Proactive enforcement in Metropolis model,
Proactive product line models, 495
Probability density function (PDF), 255
Probability for availability, 256–259
Problem relationships in patterns, 204–205
Proceedings scribes, 401
development, 44–45
product reuse, 484
recommendations, 20
security, 157
Processing time in performance, 136
Index 579
Procurement management, 425
Product-line managers, 55
Product lines. See Software product lines
Product manager roles, 422
Productivity metrics, 429–430
Professional context, 51–52, 58
Profiler tools, 386
Programming knowledge of architects, 466
Project context, 57
Project life-cycle context
architecturally significant requirements,
architecture analysis and evaluation, 47–48
architecture documentation and
communication, 47
architecture selection, 47
business cases, 46
development processes, 44–45
implementation conformance, 48
Project Management Body of Knowledge
(PMBOK), 423–425
Project managers
description and interests, 55
responsibilities, 422–423
Project planning artifacts in product reuse, 484
Propagation costs of change, 288
Prosumers in edge-dominant systems, 529
Protection groups, 91
evolutionary, 33–34
quality attribute modeling and analysis,
for requirements, 47
Provides-services role, 335
Proxy servers, 146, 211
Public clouds, 506
Public IP addresses, 514
Publicly available apps, 36
Publish-subscribe connector, 336
Publish-subscribe pattern, 226–229
Publisher role, 336
QAW (Quality Attribute Workshop), 294–296
Qt framework, 215
Quality attribute modeling and analysis,
analytic model space, 259–260
availability analysis, 255–259
checklists, 260–262
experiments, simulations, and prototypes,
life cycle stages, 265–266
performance analysis, 252–255
summary, 266–267
thought experiments and back-of-theenvelope
analysis, 262–264
Quality Attribute Workshop (QAW), 294–296
Quality attributes, 185
ADD method, 322–323
ASRs, 294–296
ATAM, 407
capture scenarios, 196–197
categories, 189–190
checklists, 199, 260–262
considerations, 65–67
design approaches, 197
and documentation, 354–355
grand unified theory, 261
important, 185–188
inhibiting and enabling, 26–27
introduction, 63–64
Lightweight Architecture Evaluation, 416
models, 197–198
NASA ECS project, 453
peer review, 398
quality design decisions, 72–76
requirements, 64, 68–70
software and system, 190–193
standard lists, 193–196
summary, 76–77
tactics, 70–72, 198–199
technical context, 40–41
variability, 488–489
X-ability, 196–199
Quality design decisions, 72–73
allocation of responsibilities, 73
binding time, 75–76
coordination models, 73–74
data models, 74
element mapping, 75
resource management, 74–75
technology choices, 76
Quality management in global development,
Quality of products as business goal, 299
Quality requirements, mapping decisions to,
Quality views, 340–341
Questioners on ATAM teams, 401
Questions for organizational competence,
470, 472–474
Queue sizes tactic, 139
Queuing models for performance, 198–199,
Quick Test Pro tool, 172
580 Index
Race conditions, 133
Random access in equipment utilization, 508
Rapid elasticity, 504–505
Rate monotonic prioritization strategy, 140
Rational Unified Process, 44
Rationale in documentation, 347, 349
Raw view extraction in reconstruction,
RDBMSs (relational database management
systems), 518
React to attacks tactics, 153
Reactive enforcement in Metropolis model,
Reactive product line models, 495
Reader role in component-and-connector
views, 335
Reconfiguration tactic, 93
Reconstruction and conformance, 380–381
database construction, 386–387
finding violations, 389–392
guidelines, 392–393
process, 381–382
raw view extraction, 382–386
summary, 393–394
view fusion, 388–389
Record/playback method for system state,
Recover from attacks tactics, 153–154
Recover-from-faults tactics, 91–94
Reduce computational overhead tactic, 142
Reduce function in map-reduce pattern,
Reduce overhead tactic, 138
Redundancy tactics, 90, 256–259
Refactor tactic, 124
Refined scenarios
NASA ECS project, 451–452
QAW, 296
Reflection for variation, 491
Reflection pattern, 262
Registry of services, 225
Regression testing, 372
Reintroduction tactics, 91, 93–94
Rejuvenation tactic, 95
Relational database management systems
(RDBMSs), 518
allocation views, 339–340
architectural structures, 14, 16–17
broker pattern, 211
client-server pattern, 218
component-and-connector views, 337
conformance, 390
in documentation, 346
layered pattern, 207
map-reduce patterns, 235
Model-View-Controller pattern, 213
modular views, 333
multi-tier pattern, 237
peer-to-peer pattern, 222
pipe-and-filter pattern, 216
publish-subscribe pattern, 227
service-oriented architecture pattern, 225
shared-data pattern, 231
view extraction, 384
Release strategy for documentation, 350
cloud, 507
component-and-connector views, 336
core, 532
independently developed components
for, 36
vs. safety, 188
SOAP, 109
views, 341
Reliability quality attribute, 195
Remote procedure call (RPC) model, 109
Removal from service tactic, 94–95
Replicated elements in variation, 491
Replication tactic, 90
Report method for system state, 165
Reporting tests, 374
Repository patterns, 19
Representation of architecture, 6
Representational State Transfer (REST),
108–110, 223–225
Reputation of products as business goal, 299
Request/reply connectors
client-server pattern, 218
peer-to-peer pattern, 222
ASRs. See Architecturally significant
requirements (ASRs)
categories, 64–65
from goals, 49
mapping to, 355, 402–403
Metropolis model, 534
product reuse, 483
prototypes for, 47
quality attributes, 68–70
software development life cycle changes,
summary, 308–310
tying methods together, 308
Requirements documents
ASRs from, 292–293
Index 581
Waterfall model, 56
Reset method for system state, 165
Resisting attacks tactics, 152–153
RESL scale factor, 279
Resource management category
ASRs, 293
availability, 97
interoperability, 115
modifiability, 127
performance, 144
quality design decisions, 74–75
security, 155
software development life cycle changes,
testability, 170
usability, 182
component-and-connector views, 336
equipment utilization, 508
pooling, 504
sandboxing, 166
software development life cycle changes,
availability, 85–86
interoperability, 105, 107–108
modifiability, 119–120
performance, 134
quality attributes expressions, 68–70
security, 149–150
testability, 162–163
usability, 176
variability, 489
Response measure
availability, 85–86
interoperability, 107–108
modifiability, 119–120
performance, 134
quality attributes expressions, 68–70
security, 149–150
testability, 162–163
usability, 176
variability, 489
as business goal, 299
modules, 333
quality design decisions, 73
REST (Representational State Transfer),
108–110, 223–225
Restart tactic, 94
Restrict dependencies tactic, 124, 239,
Restrictions on vocabulary, 36
ATAM, 411
CBAM, 447, 456–457
evaluation, 400
Lightweight Architecture Evaluation, 416
Retry tactic, 93
Reusable models, 35
Reuse of software architecture, 479, 483–486
back door, 544–545
peer, 398–399
Revision history of modules, 334
Revoke access tactic, 153
Rework in agility, 279
ADD method, 320
ATAM, 402
global development, 425
progress tracking, 429
Risk-based testing, 373–374
Robustness of core, 532
component-and-connector views, 335
product line architecture, 488–490
software development teams, 422
testing, 375–376
Rollback tactic, 92
Round-robin scheduling strategy, 140–141
Rozanski, Nick, 170
RPC (remote procedure call) model, 109
Runtime conditionals, 492
Rutan, Burt, 159
SaaS (Software as a Service) model, 505
checklists, 260, 268
use cases, 46
Safety attribute, 188
Safety Integrity Level, 268, 509
Sample technologies in cloud, 514–520
Sampling rate tactic, 137
Sandbox tactic, 165–166
Sanity checking tactic, 89
Satisfaction in usability, 175
Saxe, John Godfrey, 379
kinds, 187
peer-to-peer systems, 220
WebArrow web-conferencing system, 285
Scalability attribute, 187
Scaling, automatic, 516
Scenario scribes, 401
582 Index
ATAM, 408, 410
availability, 85–86
business goals, 301–303
CBAM, 445–446
interoperability, 107–110
Lightweight Architecture Evaluation, 416
modifiability, 119–120
NASA ECS project, 451–452
performance, 132–134
QAW, 295–296
quality attributes, 67–70, 196–197
security, 148–150
for structures, 12
testability, 162–163
usability, 176
weighting, 441, 444
Schedule resources tactic
performance, 139
quality attributes, 72
Scheduled downtimes, 81
Schedulers, hypervisor, 512
deviation measurements, 429
estimates, 34
policies, 140–141
policy tactic, 244–245
top-down and bottom-up, 420–421
Schemas, database, 519
Scope, product line, 486–488
Scope and summary section in
documentation maps, 347
Scrum development methodology, 44
SDL (Specification and Description
Language), 354
analytic model space, 259
broker pattern, 242
cloud, 507, 520–521
component-and-connector views, 336
design checklist, 154–156
general scenario, 148–150
introduction, 147–148
ping/echo, 243
quality attributes checklists, 260
summary, 156
tactics, 150–154
views, 341
Security Monkey, 161
Security quality attribute, 195, 307
SEI (Software Engineering Institute), 59
architecture, 47
tools and technology, 463
Selenium tool, 172
Self-organization in Agile, 277
Self-test tactic, 91
Semantic coherence, 178
Semantic importance, 140
Semiformal documentation notations, 330
Sensitivity points in ATAM, 403
Separate entities tactic, 153
Separation of concerns in testability, 167
Sequence diagrams
thought experiments, 263
for traces, 351–352
client-server pattern, 217–219
proxy, 146, 211
SAO pattern, 223, 225
Service consumer components, 222, 225
Service discovery in SOAP, 108
Service impact of faults, 81
Service-level agreements (SLAs)
Amazon, 81, 522
availability in, 81
IaaS, 506
PaaS, 505
SOA, 222
Service-oriented architecture (SOA) pattern,
Service providers, 222–225
Service registry, 223
Service structure, 13
Services for platforms, 532–533
Set method for system state, 165
Shadow tactic, 93
Shared-data patterns, 19, 230–231
Shared documents in documentation, 350
Shareholders, responsibilities to, 299
Siberian hydroelectric plant catastrophe, 188,
Siddhartha, Gautama, 251
Side-channel attacks, 521
Side effects in economic analysis, 439, 441
Simian Army, 160–161
Simulations, 264–265
modules, 121
queue, 139
Skeletal systems, 34
Skeletal view of human body, 9
architects, 460, 463, 465
global development, 423
professional context, 51
Index 583
SLAs. See Service-level agreements (SLAs)
Small victories, 544
Smart pointers, 95
SOA (service-oriented architecture) pattern,
vs. REST, 108–110
SOA pattern, 223–225
Social networks in publish-subscribe pattern,
Socializing in Incremental Commitment
Model, 286
as goal-object, 302
service to, 299
Software architecture importance, 25–26
change management, 27–28
constraints, 32–33
cost and schedule estimates, 34
design decisions, 31–32
evolutionary prototyping, 33–34
independently developed components,
organizational structure, 33
quality attributes, 26–27
stakeholder communication, 29–31
summary, 37
system qualities prediction, 28
training basis, 37
transferable, reusable models, 35
vocabulary restrictions, 36
Software architecture overview, 3–4. See also
as abstraction, 5–6
behavior in, 6–7
competence, 467–475
contexts. See Contexts
definitions, 4
good and bad, 19–21
patterns, 18–19
selecting, 7
as set of software structures, 4–5
structures and views, 9–18
summary, 21–22
system architecture vs. enterprise, 7–8
Software as a Service (SaaS) model, 505
Software Engineering Body of Knowledge
(SWEBOK), 292
Software Engineering Institute (SEI), 59, 479
Software Product Line Conference (SPLC),
Software Product Line Hall of Fame, 498
Software product lines
adoption strategies, 494–496
evaluating, 493–494
evolving, 496–497
failures, 481–482
introduction, 479–481
key issues, 494–497
organizational structure, 497
quality attribute of variability, 488
reuse potential, 483–486
role of, 488–490
scope, 486–488
successful, 483–486
summary, 497–498
variability, 482–483
variation mechanisms, 490–493
Software quality attributes, 190–193
Software rejuvenation tactic, 95
Software upgrade tactic, 92–93
Solutions in relationships, 204–205
SonarJ tool, 387–391
Sorting in map-reduce pattern, 232
SoS (system of systems), 106
Source code
KSLOC, 279–281
mapping to, 334
Source in security scenario, 150
Source of stimulus
availability, 85–86
interoperability, 107–108
modifiability, 119–120
performance, 134
quality attributes expressions, 68–70
security, 148
testability, 162–163
usability, 176
variability, 489
Spare tactics, 91–92, 256–259
Specialized interfaces tactic, 165
Specification and Description Language
(SDL), 354
Spikes in Agile, 284–285
SPLC (Software Product Line Conference), 498
Split module tactic, 123
Sporadic events, 133
Spring framework, 166
Staging views, 343
on ATAM teams, 401
communication among, 29–31, 329
documentation for, 348–349
evaluation process, 400
interests, 52–55
interviewing, 294–296
584 Index
Stakeholders, continued
for methods, 272
utility tree reviews, 306
views, 342
Standard lists for quality attributes, 193–196
Standards and interoperability, 112–113
State, system, 164–167
State machine diagrams, 353
State resynchronization tactic, 93
Stateless services in cloud, 522
States, responsibilities to, 299
Static allocation views, 340
Static scheduling, 141
Status meetings, 428
Stein, Gertrude, 142
Steinberg, Saul, 39
availability, 85–86
interoperability, 107–108
modifiability, 119–120
performance, 134
quality attributes expressions, 68–70
security, 148, 150
source. See Source of stimulus
testability, 162–163
usability, 176
variability, 489
Stochastic events, 133
Stonebraker, Michael, 518
for testability, 165
virtualization, 512–513
Strategies in NASA ECS project, 452–456
Strictly layered patterns, 19
Structural complexity in testability, 167–168
Structure101 tool, 387
Stuxnet virus, 80
Subarchitecture in component-and-connector
views, 335
Submodules, 333
Subscriber role, 336
Subsystems, 9
Supernodes in peer-to-peer pattern, 220
Support and development software, 358–359
Support system initiative tactic, 180–181
Support user initiative tactic, 179–180
SWEBOK (Software Engineering Body of
Knowledge), 292
Swing classes, 215
Syncing code and architecture, 368
System analysis and construction,
documentation for, 329
System architecture vs. enterprise
architecture, 7–8
System as goal-object, 302
System availability requirements, 81
System efficiency in usability, 175
System engineers, 55
System exceptions tactic, 90
System Generation Module, 358
System initiative in usability, 177
System of systems (SoS), 106
System overview in documentation, 349
System qualities, predicting, 28
System quality attributes, 190–193
System test manager roles, 422
System testing, 371
availability, 87–96
interactions, 242–247
interoperability, 110–113
modifiability, 121–125
patterns relationships with, 238–242
performance, 135–142
quality attributes, 70–72, 198–199
security, 150–154
testability, 164–168
usability, 177–181
Tailor interface tactic, 111
Team building skills, 463, 465
Team leader roles, 422
TeamCity tool, 172
ATAM, 400–401
organizing, 422
Technical contexts
architecture influence, 57
environment, 41–42
quality attributes, 40–41
Vasa ship, 42–43
Technical debt, 286
Technical processes in security, 157
Technology choices, 76
Technology knowledge of architects, 467
ATAM, 406
code, 365–367
scenarios. See Scenarios
variation mechanism, 492
10-18 Monkey, 161
Terminating generate and test process, 316
Terms and concepts, 368–369
Test harnesses, 160
Index 585
analytic model space, 259
automation, 171–172
broker pattern, 241
design checklist, 169–170
general scenario, 162–163
introduction, 159–162
summary, 172
tactics, 164–168
test data, 170–171
Testable requirements, 292
TestComplete tool, 172
Testers, 55
Tests and testing
activities, 374–375
architect role, 375–376, 463
black-box and white-box, 372–373
choices, 315
in incremental development, 428
levels, 370–372
modules, 334
product reuse, 484
risk-based, 373–374
summary, 376
Therac-25 fatal overdose, 192
Thought experiments, 262–264
Thousands of source lines of code (KSLOC),
Threads in concurrency, 132–133
Throughput of systems, 134
component-and-connector views, 337
multi-tier pattern, 235–237
Time and time management
basis sets, 261
global development, 424
performance, 131
Time boxing, 264
Time of day factor in equipment utilization, 508
Time of year factor in equipment utilization,
Time-sharing, 503
Time stamp tactic, 89
Time to market
independently developed components
for, 36
and modifiability, 284
Timeout tactic, 91
Timing in availability, 85
TMR (triple modular redundancy), 89
for product reuse, 484
selecting, 463
Top-down adoption, 495
Top-down analysis mode, 284
Top-down schedules, 420–421
Topic-based publish-subscribe patterns, 229
Topological constraints, 236
Torvalds, Linus, 530, 535, 538
Total benefit in CBAM, 446
Traces for behavior documentation, 351–353
Tracking progress, 428–429
ATAM, 403
implementation, 427
Traffic systems, 142
Training, architecture for, 37
availability, 95
databases, 519–520
SOAP, 108
Transferable models, 35
Transformation systems, 215
Transforming existing systems, 462
Transitions in state machine diagrams, 354
Triple modular redundancy (TMR), 89
Troeh, Eve, 190
Turner, R., 279, 281, 288
Twitter, 528
Two-phase commits, 95
Ubiquitous network access, 504
UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and
Integration) language, 108
activity diagrams, 353
communication diagrams, 353
component-and-connector views,
connectors, 369
sequence diagrams, 351–352
state machine diagrams, 353
Unambiguous requirements, 292
Uncertainty in equipment utilization,
Undo command, 179
Unified Process, 44
Unit testing, 370–371
Unity of purpose in modules, 121
Universal Description, Discovery and
Integration (UDDI) language, 108
Up-front planning vs. agility, 278–281
analytic model space, 259
design checklist, 181–182
general scenario, 176
586 Index
Usability, continued
introduction, 175
quality attributes checklists, 260
tactics, 177–181
Usability quality attribute, 193, 307
allocation views, 339
component-and-connector views, 337
modular views, 333
Use an intermediary tactic, 245
modifiability, 123
quality attributes, 72
Use cases
ATAM presentations, 406
thought experiments, 263
for traces, 351
“User beware” proviso, 372
User initiative in usability, 177
User interface
exchanging information via, 104–105
separating, 178
User needs in usability, 175
User stories in Agile, 278
communication with, 29
description and interests, 55
for documentation, 328–329
views for, 332
Uses relation in layered patterns, 19
Uses structure in decomposition, 12
assigning, 452
CBAM, 448
Utility-response curves, 439–443
Utility trees
ASRs, 304–307
ATAM, 407, 410
Lightweight Architecture Evaluation, 416
Utilization of equipment in cloud, 508–509
Value component
business goals, 301
utility trees, 306
Value for cost (VFC), 438, 442
product line, 482–483
quality attributes, 488–489
Variability attribute, 186
Variability guides, 347, 493
binding time, 75
software product lines, 490–493
Variation points
CBAM, 448–450
identifying, 490
Vasa ship, 42–43
Vascular view of human body, 9
Vehicle cruise control systems, 353
Verify and refine requirements in ADD,
Verify message integrity tactic, 151
Vertical scalability, 187
VFC (value for cost), 438, 442
Views, 331–332
allocation, 339–340
architectural structures, 9–10
choosing, 341–343
combining, 343–345
component-and-connector, 335–339, 344,
documenting, 345–347
fused, 388–389
Model-View-Controller pattern, 213–214
module, 332–335, 406
quality, 340–341
Views and Beyond approach, 282, 356–357
Villa, Pancho, 541
Violations, finding, 389–392
Virtual resource managers, 515
Virtual system of systems, 106
Virtualization and virtual machines
cloud, 509–514, 520–521
layers as, 13
in sandboxing, 166
Visibility of interfaces, 333
Vitruvius, 459
Vlissides, J., 212
quality attributes, 67
restrictions, 36
Voting tactic, 89
Vulnerabilities in security views, 341
Walking skeleton method, 287
War ship example, 42–43
Warm spare tactic, 91–92
Watchdogs, 89
Waterfall model
description, 44
requirements documents, 56
broker pattern, 211, 240–242
client-server pattern, 218
layered pattern, 207
map-reduce patterns, 235
Index 587
Model-View-Controller pattern, 213
multi-tier pattern, 237
peer-to-peer pattern, 222
pipe-and-filter pattern, 216
publish-subscribe pattern, 227
service-oriented architecture pattern, 225
shared-data pattern, 231
Wealth of Networks (Benkler), 528
Web 2.0 movement, 527
Web-based system events, 131
Web-conferencing systems
Agile example, 283–285
considerations, 265
Web Services Description Language
(WSDL), 110
WebArrow web-conferencing system,
WebSphere MQ product, 224
Weighting scenarios, 441, 444
Wells, H. G., 117
West, Mae, 131
“What if” questions in performance
analysis, 255
White-box testing, 372–373
Whitney, Eli, 35–36, 480
Wikipedia, 528
Wikis for documentation, 350
Wisdom of crowds, 537
Woods, Eoin, 25, 170
Work assignment structures, 14
Work-breakdown structures, 33
Work skills of architect, 465
World Wide Web as client-server pattern, 219
Wrappers, 129
Writer role in component-and-connector
views, 335
WS*, 108–110
WSDL (Web Services Description
Language), 110
X-ability, 196–199
X-ray view of human body, 9
YAGNI principle, 282
Yahoo! map-reduce patterns, 234
Young, Toby, 39
YouTube, 528
Zoning policies analogy in Metropolis
model, 536
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